Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Prompt 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prompt 1 - Essay Example It used to be that when I did not know the meaning of a particular word I would go to a dictionary and read the definition. The dictionary also included other forms of the word, something about its origin, pronunciation and how it is used in a sentence. However, on the Internet when I look up a word I can look everything connected to it. I can even narrowly define that word and just follow those threads which pertain to that narrow definition. I can look up the history of the word and learn all about those who have used it in public documents, the history of those people and the world in which they lived, and the results of their use of the word. For example, looking up the word "liberty" in Google results in 84,300,000 results. The results on the first page are considered to be the most relevant by this search engine. It lists some places, some images related to the word, a Wikipedia article on the word, some places of business local to the searchers area and links to related searches, one of which is the Statue of Liberty. If I follow the link to the Statue of Liberty there are that thousands more places to go related to the Statue of Liberty. This may seem superficial and certainly if this was all anyone did with this that would be the result. However, this is not where it stops for most people. Socializing on the Internet is also a place for sharing what one finds. This can lead to a number of people conducting more searches and then sharing again. The sharing of information often prompts people to look for more, but this does not limit one to â€Å"superficial† information. The pastor of one Christian church in Hong Kong searches the Internet before writing her sermon for the week, so that she can get a number of different perspectives on her chosen Bible passage or Gospel. She then reflects upon what she has found and prays for wisdom. When she sits down to

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