Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ethics - Assignment Example These are complex theories because nothing is white or black but has shades of grey. Thus killing for extortion is wrong but killing in self defense is right. Interestingly in a civil society, law and ethics often clash because while law deals with the wrong doings of people, it also reserves its judgment on the evidences of those acts, ethics primarily relies on the intangible guidelines of good and bad actions which are universally accepted. Thus, what could be legally wrong could also be construed as ethically correct behavior. For example, in some places, euthanasia is legal but many think that it is ethically wrong because killing in any form is wrong. In the contemporary environment of advancing technology and globalization, ethical consideration in personal and professional lives has become important because technology has provided people with strong tool to exploit others. Piracy and plagiarism are unlawful and unethical activities that have become easy with internet. Hence, accountability of actions and responsible behavior that takes into account the interests of others is highly desirable ethical conduct. (words: 270)

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