Monday, October 21, 2019

College Essay

College Essay College Essay At first it didn’t seem like much to me, it was just something to take up some spare time. But the more and more time I spent doing this, it really started to make me wonder if this is something that I could potentially do in the future. At the start of my lacrosse season my assistant coach asked if I would like to be the assistant coach of his 8 year old son’s lacrosse team. I thought it would be fun so I told him I would be glad to help out this team of about 30 kids. During the first practice I didn’t do much, I was observing just how to go about teaching little kids to learn the basics of lacrosse and how to eventually work their way up to playing in a game. The next practice my coach let me take half the team aside and teach them some of the basics, which surprisingly wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be After giving them instructions, the kids responded pretty well and for the most part, stayed attentive and reacted the way I wanted them to. My co ach was very impressed that the kids responded so quickly to me, and more importantly that I was able to gain and keep their attention. Looking back on it, it came very easy to me, but maybe that’s because I’m always around kids. I am one of the oldest in my family, and my family is relatively big. Every year we have a huge family Christmas party and when all of my cousins get together we have about 60 of us. Eleven of them are first cousins, while the rest of them are second cousins. Of this entire group though I am the second oldest, which is why I am so accustomed to having kids around all the time. So when it came to lacrosse it was very easy for me to College Essay College Essay Ashley Winn Miss Ignazio English 106 10 September 2012 College Essay-Prompt 3 All I remember is hearing my mother cry out, â€Å"Why? Why? How could this be happening to me?† As I watched the tears stream down her pale white face, I could only wonder what was happening. The vaguely white room of doctor’s office was where we were sitting when all of this panic was going on. It wasn’t my doctor’s appointment though; I found out a few days later that this was the moment my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer. The people that come in our lives and share certain experiences with make us grow. Some of those people make such an impact on our lives that we look up to them for guidance in certain decisions. Of course when you ask a teenager who their biggest role model is, almost one hundred percent of them will say mom or dad right? Well I could say I fit into that category because my mother is the person who has had the biggest impact on my life. The reason I feel that my mom is different from most is because I’ve witnessed her overc ome some pretty astronomical challenges in my eighteen years of living. After receiving the stomach churning news that she was positive for cancer, she also juggled raising my two younger brothers and me on her own as a newly single parent. Being that cancer is such a life-threatening condition, the people who are able to beat it are pretty remarkable in my eyes. Not only did my mom overcome her skin cancer, in my opinion she did a great job of

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