Thursday, October 17, 2019

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example It also questions various ethical, social, cultural, and in fact, physical or naturally-occurring norms. In the longer run, these problems and conceptual disagreement may pose great negative impacts on the generations to come. The cynical effects of allowing gay marriages are so diverse that it will not be appropriate to overlook them. This paper is an attempt to unveil those significant matters, conceptual deviations and complications that this issue entails. To derive a fair conclusion, the thesis will be evaluated on numerous notable aspects affiliated with homosexuality. Gay marriage is an unnatural union: Michael Levin, a renowned author and professor of psychology at City University of New York, stated that â€Å"Homosexual activists are partial to genetic explanations and hostile to Freudian environmentalism† (Levin 235). The point cannot be denied that the relationship shared by gays is unnatural and defies the laws of nature to procreate, which produces profound impac t on their family and a question mark on socially accepted gender roles. Gay Marriage refers to the union of two homosexual males who are unsure about their sexual orientation and decide to receive social acceptance for their relationship through a legal agreement. The unsettlement or uncertainty of their sexual orientation is caused by numerous factors such as biological, but societal interferences and early-childhood experiences greatly influence a person's sexual preferences afterwards. Hence, it can be stated that not all homosexuals are born with this sort of inclination, and it is not always genetic. (Barlow and Durand 351) Furthermore, even if it is genetic, it is curable through modern therapeutic techniques. â€Å"Clinicians evidently agree that it is possible for a person to be homosexual at one period of his life and heterosexual at another," revealed Levin (235). What makes the homosexual urge unnatural is that procreation is the main task God created mankind for, and o nly that process can be termed as natural which functions the way it has been designed for (McDowell 1201). If homosexuality prevails, encouraged and promoted in society, then the very essence of life gets betrayed, and the world will be exempt of life in no time. Moreover, homosexuality cannot be included in the natural category since it upholds personal pleasure, and homosexuals can be referred to as people caring less about society and only about their satisfaction. Patrick Buchanan rightly proclaims that â€Å"the poor homosexuals- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is exacting an awful retribution† (Wells 259). Moreover, unlike lesbians, gays cannot even utilize artificial methods for the sake of procreation. Ryan Normandin, editor of The Tech, researched about this aspect and concluded that â€Å"Same-sex couples are unable to procreate, meaning that there is no compelling interest to subsidize their marriages† (5). There is an important point for governments to understand in this statement. That is, when supporters of homosexuality propagate that attainment of â€Å"enhanced happiness† should be the central focus of allowing gay marriage; it gives rise to the debate on subsidizing everything that promotes happiness. It can be anything, from a simple item like chocolate to human-pet marriage, incest, abortion or even brother-sister marriage. Homosexuality is a psychological

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