Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How Do Political Parties Affect Voters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How Do Political Parties Affect Voters - Essay Example Identification of parties is a concept where an individual joins and supports a political party. Because joining parties varies from one person to another. It might be from family influence, for example, parents, influenced by religion or unions. Usually, voting follows an individual’s party ID. The Electoral College was greatly affected by the rise of parties in politics through causing a great shift toward the outcome of winner-take-all of the general vote. Before the entrenching of systems of the political party, electors from particular states cast different votes for the presidential candidates. By 1830s, the rise of the parties led them to begin assigning state electoral votes to one candidate during the election. Most people would agree that political parties sway the voter with the false promises they make to the voters, advertisements and ways they use to make their opponents look dirty. All these tactics are false representations that the voter falls for, from time to time, and sways their judgment from a rational view of the political parties. (Duignan, 2013). A political party is an organization that allows people who are like-minded to work together in promoting particular ideas to achieve particular goals. The collaboration and co-operation of people with varying skill, views, experiences and knowledge within a political party are the main cause for the party to create policies across a variety of concerns required by the national interest. According to Houghton Committee, 1976, a political party serves as an aggregate for many diverse interests in the society forming them into a reasonable and clear political program. They make electoral choices simpler for citizens and facilitate the government by providing coherence to parties in the parliament. They perform a selection of candidates to the parliament and other bodies of the government and enable citizens to participate in processes of policy-making. Finally, political parties help provide a broad education on politics.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Incomplete Abortion Secondary to Anemia Essay Example for Free

Incomplete Abortion Secondary to Anemia Essay Abortion is any pregnancy that terminates before the 20th week of gestation. Spontaneous abortion occurs as a natural termination of pregnancy prior to 20 weeks. Spontaneous abortion occurs more commonly in first trimester. In incomplete abortion, some of the products of conception are expelled, but some remained attached. Fetus usually expelled and placenta and membranes retained. Heavy bleeding and severe cramping continue until the placenta or other matter is removed. (Nettina, Sandra M. , (9th Edition). Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice Wolter’s Kluwer Health) Management includes dilation and curettage (D and C). Dilation and curettage is an operation performed on women to scrape away the womb lining. The cervix of the uterus is dilated using an instrument called a dilator. The endometrium is then lightly scraped off using a spoon-shaped instrument called a curette. The first step in a DC is to dilate the cervix, usually done a few hours before the surgery. The woman is usually put under general anesthesia before the procedure begins. A curette, a metal rod with a handle on one end and a sharp loop on the other, is inserted into the uterus through the dilated cervix. The curette is used to gently scrape the lining of the uterus and remove the tissue in the uterus. This tissue is examined for completeness (in the case of abortion). (Galacio, G. T. ,(May 16, 2008). Nursing Care Plan; Dilatation and Curettage. Retrieved from http://nursingcrib. com/nursing-care-plan/nursing-care-plan-dilatation-and-curettage-d-c/ ) In 2005, there were some 400,000 to 500,000 abortions in the Philippines. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimate puts the figure at nearly 800,000, one of the highest rates of abortions in Asia. Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO. Pro-Life Philippines, an anti-abortion group, says that one of four pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion. As many as 17 percent of all abortions are done on teenage or young mothers, according to the DOH. 36 percent of Filipino women become pregnant before abortion and 45 percent of all pregnancies are either unwanted or ill-timed, according to the World Health Organization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Drugs And Legalization Essay -- essays research papers

Drugs and Legalization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since early on man has been interested in the consumption of substances that altered the mind or ones feeling. The consumption of substances can be broken down into legal and illegal substances. The question is, who are we to label certain substances illegal and prohibit others from using them by creating penalties for their use?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If the importation, sale and use of drugs were legal, the open competition would eliminate the profitability of drug dealing. Without the economic incentive to commit violent crimes, the violence of drug dealing would be dramatically reduced. In addition to the elimination of the economic incentive, the health risk factor would help to reduce the role of the drug dealer. A potential customer would probably choose to buy a market-tested product from a pharmacy as opposed to buying a product of unknown dosage and quality from a corner dealer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Without the advantage of large profits, the drug dealing profession would lose its luster. A major problem is that teenagers see selling drugs as the only way to make money. Minimum wage salaries can not compare to the huge profits associated with dealing. In a drug community, the drug dealers are seen as the center of the community. They become role models for the children, replacing their parents. Eliminating the drug dealer will force these young children into the reality that education is the w...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography of Mark Twain Essay

Budd’s classic text, first published in 1962, explores Twain’s political, social, and philosophical views. It studies them in the context of his writings, letters, and books and probes the author’s personal evolution over time. Budd looks at Twain’s views on American politics, capitalism, women, slavery, the Civil War, and imperialism. His thesis is that Twain’s views were complex and changed over time, but that ultimately he was an old fashioned 19th century liberal who had views that would not easily be accepted in today’s world. â€Å"Though critics will concentrate on the formalized texts, recovering the full shape of Twain’s ideas requires going deeper into the gregarious socializing with many self-confident men and a few feminists. †(Budd, 14) This text is reliable because Budd used Twain’s own extensive writings and letters to articulate his philosophical views. Moreover, Budd was a lifelong historian and critic of Twain and edited a two volume collected works from the author. I will use this book to discuss Twain’s perspective on racial issues, anti-imperialism, and American politics and relate them to his novels and short stories. This book is an excellent exploration of Twain’s changing views. However, it is a relatively challenging read and is best suited for readers already familiar with the author’s work and with 19th century history. I would recommend this book to anyone who already has some knowledge of Twain’s works. Carkeet, David. â€Å"The Dialects in Huckleberry Finn. † American Literature 51. 3 (November 1979): 315-332. Academic Search Complete. TCC Library, Fort Worth, TX. October 4, 2012 David Carkeet studies Twain’s use of dialect and idiomatic speech in the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†. In particular, he probes whether Twain in fact followed the announcement at the beginning of the book suggesting that seven dialects and variants of Southern English are spoken in the text. Carkeet’s thesis is that Twain does in fact follow to a great extent his written intention in writing the characters in different forms of English, including Southwestern, Black, and Missouri Pike County accents. For Carkeet, the dialects of the various characters are best compared to Huck’s own speech, which serves as the default standard in the story. â€Å"A detailed examination of Huckleberry Finn shows that there are differences in the way people speak that are too systematic to be accidental. †(Carkeet, 316) This source is reliable because Carkeet extensively covers the speech patterns in Huckleberry Finn and cites examples directly from the original text. He actually breaks down examples of how different characters say the same words and phrases differently. I will use this article to discuss how Twain made use of vernacular English and local speech to immerse readers in the world of Missouri and the South that he grew up with. This article is easy to understand and is an excellent complement to reading Twain’s book from a fresh perspective. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to learn more about Twain, or get a better understanding of the time. Gribben, Alan. â€Å"The Importance of Mark Twain. † American Quarterly 37. 1 (January 1985): 30-49. America: History and Life. TCC Library, Ft. Worth, TX. October17, 2012 Alan Gribben’s article discusses the reception of Mark Twain’s writings by other authors and by literary critics. It addresses Twain’s unique position as a humorist and a classic author in the American canon. The author’s thesis is that Twain had a unique comic voice in his writings that were flexible and supple enough to still resonate with modern audiences whereas many other writers from the period now sound dated. â€Å"Nevertheless, Mark Twain’s literary stature has suffered, from time to time, because of his predilection for comic forms. †(Gribben,31) This source is authoritative because Gribben is one of America’s preeminent Twain scholars. He has studied and written for decades about the author and has founded a society for the appreciation of Twain’s writings. This article will serve my discussion of Twain’s writing style and unique idiom in my essay. Gribben’s paper is extremely easy to understand and is articulate. I would recommend this article to anyone that wants a better insight of Twain and the time. As well a better perspective of the time, some of Twains perspectives come as more Humor than racism. Moore, Olin Harris. â€Å"Mark Twain and Don Quixote. † PMLA 37. 2 (June 1922): 324-346. TCC Library, Ft. Worth, TX. October 2, 2012. Moore suggests in this article that Twain’s writings were deeply influenced by the Spanish author Cervantes. He expresses disagreement with the then prevalent view that Twain was a purely American writer and instead describes how indebted he was to European literature. â€Å" What genuine American humor! What a true picture of American boyhood! Nothing of Europe in Mark Twain! Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are real Americans! †(Moore,324) The thesis is that Twain’s novels were shaped by Cervantes’ classic â€Å"Don Quixote† and that in particular, Tom Sawyer was modeled after the protagonist of the Spanish novel. This source is relatively authoritative because it relies upon Twain’s own writings, the record of what books he read and when, as well as Cervantes’ text. However, it may be undermined by more recent scholarship since when it was published in 1922 many of Twain’s writings and correspondence were not available to scholars. I plan to use this article to discuss different interpretations of Twain’s major works, especially â€Å"Huckleberry Finn†. The article is useful and easy to read. I would recommend this to anyone that wants gain a better perspective of Twain and his works. By being easy to read this would allow readers to easily understand the work. Powers, Ron. Mark Twain: A Life. New York Free Press, 2005. Powers’ book is an extensive investigation of Twain’s life examining not just his major novels and short stories, but his thousands of letters, political essays, and newspaper articles. Moreover, by using what he calls â€Å"interpretive portraiture†, Powers probes into the details of Twain’s personal life, relationships, and views on issues concerning woman, race, and American politics. The basic thesis of the book is that Twain is indeed worthy of the fame and popularity he has enjoyed among generations of readers. Powers defends Twain’s writings against his fiercest detractors, many of whom see his novels and stories as roughly and in artfully written or alternatively as racist or misogynistic, and argues that while flawed, they at times rise to greatness. The authority of the source is that Powers is a long-time journalist, author and historian. He has won the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism and has written extensively before on Twain and other topics such as the Second World War and Civil War. In addition, the authenticity of the source comes from the primary sources, including books and correspondence that it relies upon. I would use this book to flesh out the details of Twain’s life and situate his writing into the context of events in the late 19th century. The book is an excellent, if voluminous introduction to Twain. It is also well written and easy to understand. Railton, Stephen. â€Å"Mark Twain in his Times. † University of Virginia Library. 2012. October 2012. http://twain. lib. virginia. edu/index2. html. Stephen Railton at the University of Virginia has compiled a comprehensive online database of original writings and materials related to Twain’s works. The website has unpublished drafts of Twain’s major works, period advertisements, illustrations, sales prospectus, period reviews, and essays addressing topical issues related to the books. There is no thesis per se in this website because it is intended to primarily serve as a collection of primary sources on Twain’s writings. The authority of this site derives most of all from the primary sources it gathers together, many of which are rare and obscure. In addition, Railton is a professional historian and literary expert on Twain and 19th century American literature. I will use this site to look at Twain’s writing process as he wrote Huckleberry Finn and other books. I will also study the marketing techniques Twain used and the critical reception he received at the time, as recorded in reviews on the site. This website is easy to read but somewhat difficult to navigate. It is so extensive that it is not entirely user friendly and probably has its layout updated. Tucker, Jeffrey A. â€Å"Mark Twain’s Radical Liberalism. † Ludvig Von Mises Institute. January 27, 2010. November 2012. Jeffrey Tucker in this online article writes about the much debated nature of Mark Twain’s political views. Twain’s politics seem difficult to classify, Tucker observes, only because the ideology he subscribed to is no longer fashionable. â€Å"Part of the difficulty of understanding Mark Twain’s political outlook is due to the terminology and the tendency of politics to corrupt the meaning of everything. †(Tucker, 1) Tucker situates Twain’s anti-slavery, anti-imperialist, anti-government, and pro-capitalist views in terms of 19th century classical liberalism. It is Tucker’s thesis that Twain was essentially a liberal of the old, small government and pro market variety. The authority of this source comes from Tucker’s study of Twain’s writings, which are quoted from and cited in the text. In addition, the author is a major scholar of libertarian politics and economics which are relevant to his interpretation of Twain’s views. I intend to use this online piece to show how Twain could hold points of view that today seem incompatible, such as being anti-war and pro-business. This is a very accessible source and should be of value even for those who disagree with Tucker’s libertarian agenda. I would recommend this article to anyone that has a point of view on Twain.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dissertation Research Design

Sample Dissertation Methodology: Quantitative Survey Strategy1 Research Methodology1.1 IntroductionThis research project has been one of the most thought-provoking and challenging feature of the master’s course. It provides a chance to endorse, simplify, pursue and even explore new facets of one’s research topic. The research approach adopted is an important aspect to increase the rationality of the research according to Cresswell (2007). The research ‘onion’ is a methodology that was developed by Saunders et al (2003).According to the research ‘onion’, as shown in figure 4.1, the entire process is in the form of an onion comprising of various layers. The research philosophy, research approaches, research strategies, time horizons and the data collection method form the different layers of the onion depicting each of the research process. The process involves peeling each layer at a time to reach the centre which is the actual question of the r esearch. For this research philosophy of interpretivism was chosen along with deductive approach and mainly using quantitative techniques for data collection and analysis (Saunders et al., 2009). The chapter details the research process adopted and continues with an explanation of the data collection and data analysis methods employed by the researcher including a justification for the approach and method. The sampling method used by the researcher is discussed and justified and the chapter continues with a commentary of the limitation of the study design. Finally the issues of observer influence are covered as in the ethical approach to the research and a summary of the chapter is presented1.2 The Research Philosophy Research philosophy forms the outermost layer of the research ‘onion’. There are three views based on the way knowledge is developed and corroborated. Individuals or groups rely upon their individual experiences, memories and expectations to derive logic from situations occurring in the society. This logic gets revised over a period of time with new experiences which in turns leads to different interpretations. Therefore it is essential to determine and understand the factors that impact, govern and affect the interpretations of individuals. According to Denzin and Lincoln (2003) interpretivists believe in multiple realities. Hatch and Cuncliffe (2006) have described how interpretivists try to draw meaning from realities and further creat new ones to analyse the different point of views and to validate them against academic literatures. Since the aim is to interpret the thinking of ‘social actors’ and gaining insights using their pointo of views, it cannot be generalised (Saunders et al. 2007). Remenyi et al. (1998) described an interpretivist as one who tries to ascertain the details of the situation with the underlying motive to unearth the working logic behind the situation. Eriksson and Kovalainen (2008) point out a flaw which researchers need to take care of while adopting the interpretivism. They say that because of the closeness of the researcher and the researched, there is a likelihood of a bias in the interpretation. The solution is self-reflection This research attempts to ascertain a relationship, if any, between knowledge management framework in an organisation and the behaviour resulting from the knowledge management practices. This approach adopted by the researcher requires to ‘get close’ to the participants and try and throw light on their acumen of the reality. Thus it can be said that the researcher adopts a interpretivism philosophy.The Research ApproachThe next layer of the research ‘onion’ is the research approach. The design of the research project determines the choice of research approach adopted. If the research involves developing a theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) and design a research strategy to test the hypotheses then the approach classifies as a deductive approach. On the other hand the inductive approach involves data collection and developing a theory based on the analysis of the data. In an inductive approach a theory follows the data collection where as it is vice versa in case of a deductive approach. According to Saunders et al (2003), researchers in the 20th century criticised the deductive approach stating that deductive approach help establish cause-effect links between specific variable without taking in to account the human interpretation. Saunders et al. (2000) suggest that researcher should be independent of what is being observed, which the deductive approach dictates. Robson (1993) suggests that the deductive approach is a theory testing practice which arises from an established theory or generalisation, and tries to validate the theory in context to specific instances. According to Jashapara (2004) Knowledge Management, the central topic of the research, has been around since ancient Greece and Rome and it further mentions that knowledge management is growing at an exponential growth with a lot of literature available. As Creswell (1994) suggests that a deductive approach would be a better approach in such a scenario. Since the data collection for this research involves online surveys by professionals, time is a valuable commodity. In a deductive approach, data collection is less time consuming and works on a ‘one take’ basis, which is also beneficial for the participant of the survey. Following a deductive approach ensures a highly structured methodology (Giles and Johnson, 1997) and can also be basis for future research adopting an inductive approach.1.3 Research StrategyThe research strategy provides a rough picture about how the research question (s) will be answered. It also specifies the sources for data collection and hindrance s faced throughout the research like data access limitations, time constraints, economical and ethical issues. Saunders et al. (2003) explain that the strategy is concerned with the overall approach you adopt while the tactics involves the details like data collection methods (questionnaire, interviews published data) and analysis methods. There are several strategies that can be employed and they can be classified based on the approach, deductive or inductive, adopted. This research adopts deductive approach. Survey strategy is well suited for this approach. A large amount of data was required to determine the relationship, if any, between the constructs defined in the literature review. According to Saunders et al (2003) and Collins and Hussey (2003) surveys allows data collection and can be addressed to a sizeable audience in a very cost-effective way. Surveys are mostly done in the form of questionnaire, as questionnaire provides standardised data making it easy for comparison. One drawback is the time spent to construct and test a questionnaire. In a survey there is a huge dependence on the participants to answer the questionnaire causing unnecessary delays. There is also a limitation on the number of questions that can be included in the questionnaire. This limitation is from the respondents’ perspective if the researcher wants a high quality of response from the participants. Owing to the nature and amount of size required, statistical analysis of data, time available for the research and for economic reasons the survey strategy has been adopted for this research. Choice of research method According to Saunders et al. (2003) the research methods are in accord with the methods and used for data collection and analysis. Quantitative research is associated with numeric data collection and analysis while, ‘qualitative’ methods are inclined towards non-numeric or data that is gained from inference. However a combined approach can also be adopted as suggested by Tashakori and Teddlie’s (2003). The main advantage is that the researcher can get a different perspective while attempting to answer the research questions and also make more reliable interpretations, ’triangulation’ (Saunders et al. 2009). For this research data was collected via online questionnaire and was statically analysed and represented using graphs. Number crunching methods are generally used in business and management studies. This method is primarily contributed to quantitative analysis. To answer the research question data was also collected from theories and case studies and analysed qualitatively. To present the analysis in a structured manner and articulate the inferences from the theories and statistical analysis could only be done by means of words (Saunders et al., 2009). By making use of qualitative methods the data could be categorized under â€Å"knowledge management environment†, â€Å"organisational knowledge behaviour† and â€Å"Individual knowledge behaviour† and with the aid of narrative an attempt to establish relationships, if any, between them (Saunders et al., 2009, p.516).1.4 Time HorizonsSaunders et al. (2009) suggest that a research can be depicted in a snap look ali ke or can have a diary like perspective. A ‘snapshot’ horizon is termed as a cross sectional whereas the diary perspective is termed as longitudinal. Further Saunders et al (2003) suggest that the time perspective to research (cross-sectional or longitudinal) is independent of the research strategy. Longitudinal research is adopted when change or development that occurs over a period of time is to be studied. Adam and Schvaneveldt (1991) suggest that in longitudinal studies is very useful in studying human behaviours and development. Longitudinal studies do have a limitation when time is a constraint. In cross-sectional research, a certain phenomenon is studied at a particular point in time. This research tries to explore the relationship between organisational environment and its effect on organisational behaviours in the context of Knowledge Management. It is aimed to find the relation at the present time so a cross-sectional study is adopted. According to Easterby-Smith et al. ( 2002) surveys are preferred in cross-sectional studies. However Robson (2002) g=further says that qualitative methods can also be adopted in cross-sectional studies by considering interviews carried out in a short span of time. 1.5 Secondary Data Collection According to Saunders et al. ( 2003) secondary data includes both quantitative and qualitative data. Secondary data is usually used in the form of case studies or survey-based research in management and business research. Saunders et al. (2003) have classified secondary data under documentary data, complied data and survey-based data as shown in figure 3.1 For this research the primary data collection was using online questionnaires. However documentary secondary data was also unsed in conjunction to the primary data. The purpose of making use of secondary data was to explore the existing literature and explore the various facets of knowledge management. Documentary secondary data like books, journals articles were used in this research to define the three constructs explained in chapter 2. Also secondary data was used to explore the literature to define the research question. Books by noted authors and academic journals such as Emerald journals, swetswise e-journals, ebsco host were refereed for the purpose of data collection. The reliability and validity of secondary data relates to the methods by which the data was collected and the source of the data. A quick assessment of the source can ensure validity and reliability of the data. Dochartaigh (2002) suggests the testing of reliability and validity refers to testing the authority and reputation of the source. Articles and papers found in Emerald and Ebscohost are likely to be more reliable and trustworthy which can be inferred from the continued existence of such organisations. Dochartaigh (2002) furthers the point of assessment by looking out for copyright statement.1.6 Research SampleSaunders et al. (2003) differentiated sampling techniques as probability sampling and non-probability sampling based on their generalizability. Probability sampling meant that the research question could be answered and generalized across the target population, based on the responses from the sample size. Time was a constraint owing to the business of the participants who belonged to Knowledge intensive industry, selecting a sampling method was a challenge. According to Easterby-Smith et al. (2002), sampling methods must reduce the amount of data to be collected by focusing on the target population rather than a random sample population. Snowball sampling was selected to ensure that maximum participants could be reached. The research was carried within 7 organisations across 5 countries. The researcher could not personally know so many professional from IT and other knowledge intensive industry, so a few managers was contacted who subsequently forwarded the questionnaire to others with in their respective organisation resulting in to a homogeneous sample (Babbie, 2008). Manager also had to be contacted since all participants could not be addressed directly due company policies restricting external emails. Since the questionnaire was target at the users of knowledge management tools and practices with in the organisation, the researcher requested the managers to forward the questionnaire across the organisation independent of the managerial status. Sample selection was continued till 20 responses from each organisation were received. 140 samples have been considered for this study.1.7 Primary Data collectionQuestionnaire is a form of data collection in which all the respondents are asked the same set of questions in a pre-set order (deVaus, 2002). Robson (2002) suggested that questionnaires are not effective in a descriptive research as it is requires many open ended questions to be answered. All the participants should interpret the questionnaire in the same manner; the data collected can be reliable. If the questionnaire is worded correctly, less effort is required to administer the questionnaire (Jankowicz, 2000). Questionnaire can be classified as shown in the Figure below. The dif ferentiation is based on the level of interaction between the researcher and the respondents. The research has an international orientation to it. The respondents are based in 5 countries and it was not feasible for the researcher to meet each respondent. So a self-administered questionnaire was the most appropriate option. Time and monetary constraint further helped to narrow down the survey to an online questionnaire where the questionnaire was forwarded to the emails. Email offers a better reliability as the respondents would access their own emails and respond to the questionnaire (Witmer et al., 1999). In this case the questionnaire was sent to the managers who further forwarded the emails to their colleagues. In this scenario online questionnaire was a more feasible option because it is easy to forward emails, unauthorised access to emails would be difficult and the responses would go directly to the researcher without them being disclosed or discussed with. The questionnaire has been divided into two parts. The first part consists of information regarding demographics such as organisation location, age, tenure in the organisation and job role. The second part consists of questions related to organization’s knowledge management practices, knowledge behaviour and use of the knowledge. The data required for the research required responses from managerial and non-managerial employees working in a knowledge intensive environment. It was required to create an accurate cause – effect relationship of the KM practices with respect the organisational environment and behaviour of employees. This required honest responses about the KM practices. Appendix shows the questions that were asked to define the relationship amongst the construct defined in the literature review. Likert scale has been used to score each question and score will be given from strongly disagree(1) to strongly agree(5) to. In the questionnaire 1 question has been framed using negation and in a reverse order. Podsakoff et al. (2003) suggest that this should be done to ensure that respondent pay attention while reading the question. All questionnaires were returned within 72 hours. Considering the incentives and time constraints for the respondents the questionnaire was designed so that it does not take more than 8-10 minutes to be answered.1.8 Dota Analysis methodsQualitative and quantitative data has been used in this research. Qualitative data has been used to study the literature about knowledge manangement and define the constructs that for the basis of the research question. Quantitiative data was collected primarily with the help of questionnaire.1 .9 Methodological ReviewSaunders et al. (2003) emphasis on two aspects of data collection: validity and reliability. The validity and reliability of secondary data has been explained in SECTION. Saunders et al. (2007) suggest that in case of a questionnaire pilot testing should be done to ensure the validity of the question and the reliability of the data subsequently collected. The questionnaire used for the survey has been tested on a group, to test the comprehensibility of the content and the logic of the questions. Bell (1999) suggests that a trail run should never be compromised even if time is a constraint. While testing the questionnaire the respondent were asked regarding the time taken to complete, ambiguity of the questions, if any questions caused a uncomfortable feeling or awkward state of mind and the last was the structure. Validating the questionnaire ensures that the response for each question and the motive for the question are the relevant (Saunders et al. 2000). Reliability of the questionnaire depends on the consistency of the response to the same questions. To ensure this the questionnaire must be answered twice by the respondent at differing time (Easterby-Smith, et al. 2002). This may be difficult due time constraints but should be done. Mitchell (1996) suggests that the responses of the questions should be checked for consistency within the subgroup. In this research the questionnaire has been divided in to 4 sections. During the pilot testing the responses where checked for consistency with in each section to ensure the reliability. The results can be generalised to an extent due to the sample size and inferences are gathered based on the statistical analysis. Steps have been taken to ensure the anonymous nature of the questionnaire so that the responses are honest and unbiased.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The best custom essay writing services

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Monday, October 21, 2019

College Essay

College Essay College Essay At first it didn’t seem like much to me, it was just something to take up some spare time. But the more and more time I spent doing this, it really started to make me wonder if this is something that I could potentially do in the future. At the start of my lacrosse season my assistant coach asked if I would like to be the assistant coach of his 8 year old son’s lacrosse team. I thought it would be fun so I told him I would be glad to help out this team of about 30 kids. During the first practice I didn’t do much, I was observing just how to go about teaching little kids to learn the basics of lacrosse and how to eventually work their way up to playing in a game. The next practice my coach let me take half the team aside and teach them some of the basics, which surprisingly wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be After giving them instructions, the kids responded pretty well and for the most part, stayed attentive and reacted the way I wanted them to. My co ach was very impressed that the kids responded so quickly to me, and more importantly that I was able to gain and keep their attention. Looking back on it, it came very easy to me, but maybe that’s because I’m always around kids. I am one of the oldest in my family, and my family is relatively big. Every year we have a huge family Christmas party and when all of my cousins get together we have about 60 of us. Eleven of them are first cousins, while the rest of them are second cousins. Of this entire group though I am the second oldest, which is why I am so accustomed to having kids around all the time. So when it came to lacrosse it was very easy for me to College Essay College Essay Ashley Winn Miss Ignazio English 106 10 September 2012 College Essay-Prompt 3 All I remember is hearing my mother cry out, â€Å"Why? Why? How could this be happening to me?† As I watched the tears stream down her pale white face, I could only wonder what was happening. The vaguely white room of doctor’s office was where we were sitting when all of this panic was going on. It wasn’t my doctor’s appointment though; I found out a few days later that this was the moment my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer. The people that come in our lives and share certain experiences with make us grow. Some of those people make such an impact on our lives that we look up to them for guidance in certain decisions. Of course when you ask a teenager who their biggest role model is, almost one hundred percent of them will say mom or dad right? Well I could say I fit into that category because my mother is the person who has had the biggest impact on my life. The reason I feel that my mom is different from most is because I’ve witnessed her overc ome some pretty astronomical challenges in my eighteen years of living. After receiving the stomach churning news that she was positive for cancer, she also juggled raising my two younger brothers and me on her own as a newly single parent. Being that cancer is such a life-threatening condition, the people who are able to beat it are pretty remarkable in my eyes. Not only did my mom overcome her skin cancer, in my opinion she did a great job of

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Types of Solids and How to Categorize Them

Types of Solids and How to Categorize Them In the broadest sense, solids may be categorized as either crystalline solids or amorphous solids. Most specifically, scientists typically recognize six main types of solids, each characterized by specific properties and structures. Ionic Solids Ionic solids form when electrostatic attraction causes anions and cations to form a crystal lattice. In an ionic crystal, each ion is surrounded by ions with an opposite charge. Ionic crystals are extremely stable because considerable energy is required to break ionic bonds. Metallic Solids The positively charged nuclei of metal atoms are held together by valence electrons to form metallic solids. The electrons are considered delocalized because they arent bound to any particular atoms, as in covalent bonds. Delocalized electrons can move throughout the solid. This is the electron sea model of metallic solids- positive nuclei float in a sea of negative electrons. Metals are characterized by high thermal and electrical conductivity and are typically hard, shiny, and ductile. Examples: Almost all metals and their alloys, such as gold, brass, steel. Network Atomic Solids This type of solid is also known simply as a network solid. Network atomic solids are huge crystals consisting of atoms held together by covalent bonds. Many gemstones are network atomic solids. Examples: Diamond, amethyst, ruby. Atomic Solids Atomic solids form when weak London dispersion forces bind the atoms of cold noble gasses. Examples: These solids are not seen in everyday life since they require extremely low temperatures. An example would be solid krypton or solid argon. Molecular Solids Covalent molecules held together by intermolecular forces form molecular solids. While the intermolecular forces are strong enough to hold the molecules in place, molecular solids typically have lower melting and boiling points than metallic, ionic, or network atomic solids, which are held together by stronger bonds. Example: Water ice. Amorphous Solids Unlike all of the other types of solids, amorphous solids do not exhibit a crystal structure. This type of solid is characterized by an irregular bonding pattern. Amorphous solids may be soft and rubbery when they are formed by long molecules, tangled together and held by intermolecular forces. Glassy solids are hard and brittle, formed by atoms irregularly joined by covalent bonds. Examples: Plastic, glass.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International Economics - Assignment Example The expansion of businesses in the country will lead to growth of the economy through building of industries and infrastructure. Creation of industries and construction of infrastructure will result in the creation of job opportunities to the citizens of that country.Therefore, improving their living standards and the economy (BalinÃŒÆ'o, TomaÃŒ s and Cottarelli, pp. 45-50). The yen, on the other hand, is weaker compared to U.S dollar. The situation may pose different effects on the economy of Japan. The funding cost of government will be high in the country. Since flows from outside the country often go into local government bonds, the flow will higher yield, therefore, raising money at a higher rate in the market. The little currency will trigger an increase in taxes, which might cause inflation hence lowering value of the economy. The import rates will be high, therefore, discouraging growth of local industries. On the other hand, a weaker currency enables a country to increase its competitive advantage internationally. Since the currency is weak, goods from the country will be in high demand hence increase sales of local industries thereby improving the economy (Nelson, E, and Buckland, pp. 71-75). According to the report, U.S job growth has increased from 214,000 to 230,000. The increase in employment in the U.S is because of currency growth. The currency increases in value, employment increase in the country. The increase in employment opportunities leads to growth of the economy due to increasing in income of employees. In addition, the increase in employment may be attributable to the expansion of businesses in the country. Since the industries are expanding, it translates to an improvement in the country’s economy and development of people living standards. The currency improves as economy of the state improves, as investors are attracted to investing in the country. More investors in the country will mean more

Identifying the Science Processes eed 323 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Identifying the Science Processes eed 323 - Essay Example This may be done through group discussions and experimentations (Online Academy). In this stage, the students will begin asking questions and clearing their doubts. Their natural interest aroused, they will begin making enquiries and the answers must be capable of resolving their queries. The answers must be scientific and the students must be oriented towards satisfying their enquiries scientifically. The teacher must use graphs, charts and other visuals to drive home authentic points. The students' interest will catch up and they will make enquires depending upon their outlook and curiosities (Online Academy). There are plenty of mysteries wrapped within the crust of the earth. Until the 1970s, geo-scientists found it difficult to draw the actual dimension of the earth's interior. Now, since the 1970s, there is better understanding of this region due to various technological advances such as the computer algorithms and information technology. A 3D image can be made more easily using computer and this technology provides more accurate information about the earth's interior. Modern computer algorithms help us map geological interfaces at depths of many kilometers. This technology is used by the oil and gas exploration corporations also (Paul R. Wood). The inter-relationship of mathematics, s... A 3D image can be made more easily using computer and this technology provides more accurate information about the earth's interior. Modern computer algorithms help us map geological interfaces at depths of many kilometers. This technology is used by the oil and gas exploration corporations also (Paul R. Wood). Integrating Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) The inter-relationship of mathematics, science and technology must be highlighted in order to solve scientific queries. The teacher must actively pursue this inter-relationship of the three disciplines while teaching to drive home solutions to queries. The project of journey into the earth must be dealt with MST and every point or query must be handled with the MST process. Throughout the course, MST must be the watchword for tracking solutions to relevant problems (Online Academy). Starting a project Having secured a solid, good basis with assessment, development of framework, separation of facts from fiction, it is time to embark on a project consistent with the topic on journeying into the earth. The student may pursue this project with his/her own unique idea although it must be interspersed with MST. The student may be encouraged to use Power point to make the presentation graphic and clear. Online projects There are many websites on the internet that could come to the aid of the student who is doing his/her project. The teacher must be alert so that the students close in on the right sites and keep away from non-essential or harmful sites.Structure of the earth This part of the process brings the student closer to the project by providing him/her an idea of the complete surface of the earth with its

Friday, October 18, 2019

Applied Research Technologies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applied Research Technologies - Case Study Example The company is also known for its entrepreneurial spirit and the same can be gauged from the fact that the company currently owns 60 different business units, many of which are acquired in last 2-3 decades. Decentralized decision making is their strength to bring solution to the issues and speed up jobs across all business units. The company’s innovative strength can be assumed from the fact that almost 30% of the company’s revenue from each business division comes from the products that has been developed in the last 4 years. The company constantly strives to find new business opportunities and inspires business units heads and others to come up with fresh business ideas and proposals that can maintain its leading position and competitive edge in the market. To continue with the spirit of innovation, the company taps talent globally without any restriction or regional bias and accordingly, the company opens India Technical Center (ITC) under the auspices of the corpora te R&D group of the company. While working as a general manager at the Filtration Unit of the company, Vyas is in the process of developing a prototype mini water-oxidation product with an aim to exploit the product commercially that can purify waste water. Previously, over the past three years, two such attempts have been unsuccessful in developing the product. So far, the Filtration unit has only one profitable line of business and it has failed to bring new products in market in keeping with the company’s image of innovativeness. In a way, the Filtration Unit is quite vulnerable and so is the position of Vyas, if he fails to launch a new product successfully in the market third time. Vyas is quick to realize this and that is why he has formed a team full of entrepreneur-minded individuals. Though ITC technologists develop a promising product that is approved by Wagner, its first generation version is rejected for its foul odor and the second version of the product is rejec ted for its high power consumption. Without getting perturbed from these failures, Vyas harps on the true entrepreneurial spirit of the company taking clue from the CEO David Hall’s entrepreneurial concept that states: â€Å"I expect all our managers, and particularly those on the front line, to create, promote, and back promising ideas. But we understand that when you go for the big leap, you won't always clear the bar. So there is no shame in failure when you are stretching for big objectives. Around here we routinely celebrate what we call "worthy attempts"—even when they are unsuccessful† (Bartlett & Beckham, 2010). Though Vyas has been managing the global challenges quite well yet it appears that Vyas has missed something in the beginning – on deciding about some essential minimum requirement pertaining to the features of the product under development while giving a brief to the ITC technologists. Had the required features of the product been streaml ined earlier then the valuable time spent on developing two versions of the product would have been conserved. Any new product needs to be made available at not only affordable cost but also it should have minimal operating and maintenance cost (minimal fuel consumption, power etc.) maintaining ease of operation for the users. It is true that all this will depend upon what kind of customers or which segment of the market is going to be catered; however, the fact remains that clear guidelines were not given by Vyas to the technologists on required features of the product that eventually resulted into the failure of two products and loss of resources. As front-line manager, Vyas has been effective in managing people as he forms a team full of en

Tourism and Indigenous Peoples Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism and Indigenous Peoples - Case Study Example The significance and contribution of indigenous communities, thus indicates the value of indigenous culture in promoting the distinct and exotic cultural features which in turn may lead to the revival of the local culture (Ryan and Aicken, 2005 in Page, Connell, 2006). Indigenous tourism affords the indigenous communities to participate and reap the benefits that such tourism offers. The key issues discussed as a part of this study include: the manner in which the participation of local indigenous communities can be increased and encouraged by way of training, management or effective strategies; the manner in which their cultural heritage can be promoted in a way that it helps in contributing in enriching Australias tourism experience; and in what way can the policies and strategies so developed, help the indigenous populations, in establishing safe, secure and sustainable futures in terms of increased business opportunities, activities and a greater understanding of the tourism industry in general. The purpose of this report is to enhance or add to the existing market knowledge with regard to tourism as it pertains to indigenous people; help in establishing a cohesive long-term strategy aimed at developing indigenous tourism in Australia; establish a framework which allows for a greater understanding of the indigenous people, their culture, and lifestyles and in the process add to the knowledge and experience of the tourists. This study will help in understanding the manner in which strategies contribute in building the overall appeal of South Australia as a popular tourist destination, and in the process promoting indigenous tourism and cultural heritage of the region. The Australian Aboriginal Cultures Gallery (AACG) is a part of the South Australian Museum, which offers its visitors a unique experience of the Aboriginal culture and the rich cultural heritage of South Australia, by way of collections of art and artifacts. It boasts of one of the world’s

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example It also questions various ethical, social, cultural, and in fact, physical or naturally-occurring norms. In the longer run, these problems and conceptual disagreement may pose great negative impacts on the generations to come. The cynical effects of allowing gay marriages are so diverse that it will not be appropriate to overlook them. This paper is an attempt to unveil those significant matters, conceptual deviations and complications that this issue entails. To derive a fair conclusion, the thesis will be evaluated on numerous notable aspects affiliated with homosexuality. Gay marriage is an unnatural union: Michael Levin, a renowned author and professor of psychology at City University of New York, stated that â€Å"Homosexual activists are partial to genetic explanations and hostile to Freudian environmentalism† (Levin 235). The point cannot be denied that the relationship shared by gays is unnatural and defies the laws of nature to procreate, which produces profound impac t on their family and a question mark on socially accepted gender roles. Gay Marriage refers to the union of two homosexual males who are unsure about their sexual orientation and decide to receive social acceptance for their relationship through a legal agreement. The unsettlement or uncertainty of their sexual orientation is caused by numerous factors such as biological, but societal interferences and early-childhood experiences greatly influence a person's sexual preferences afterwards. Hence, it can be stated that not all homosexuals are born with this sort of inclination, and it is not always genetic. (Barlow and Durand 351) Furthermore, even if it is genetic, it is curable through modern therapeutic techniques. â€Å"Clinicians evidently agree that it is possible for a person to be homosexual at one period of his life and heterosexual at another," revealed Levin (235). What makes the homosexual urge unnatural is that procreation is the main task God created mankind for, and o nly that process can be termed as natural which functions the way it has been designed for (McDowell 1201). If homosexuality prevails, encouraged and promoted in society, then the very essence of life gets betrayed, and the world will be exempt of life in no time. Moreover, homosexuality cannot be included in the natural category since it upholds personal pleasure, and homosexuals can be referred to as people caring less about society and only about their satisfaction. Patrick Buchanan rightly proclaims that â€Å"the poor homosexuals- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is exacting an awful retribution† (Wells 259). Moreover, unlike lesbians, gays cannot even utilize artificial methods for the sake of procreation. Ryan Normandin, editor of The Tech, researched about this aspect and concluded that â€Å"Same-sex couples are unable to procreate, meaning that there is no compelling interest to subsidize their marriages† (5). There is an important point for governments to understand in this statement. That is, when supporters of homosexuality propagate that attainment of â€Å"enhanced happiness† should be the central focus of allowing gay marriage; it gives rise to the debate on subsidizing everything that promotes happiness. It can be anything, from a simple item like chocolate to human-pet marriage, incest, abortion or even brother-sister marriage. Homosexuality is a psychological

Investigate the relationship between empathy and psychopathy Research Paper

Investigate the relationship between empathy and psychopathy - Research Paper Example Empathy is defined by the author as the individual ability to be able to feel other’s pain or distress, cognitively take another’s perspective and be able to see self in other’s situation as well as the ability to mirror another’s physical gesture all in the aim of being in harmony with the other person in a social context. Simultaneously, the lack of the ability to decipher non-verbal cues is a feature associated with several developmental disorders and is also an essential characteristic of psychopathy. This paper aims to examine and analyze the relationship between empathy and psychopathy. An empathic response is an emotional reaction in an observer to the affective state of another individual. Some have conceptualized empathy as a unitary process (Preston & de Waal, 2002) and have viewed empathy as a â€Å"super-ordinate category that includes all sub-classes of phenomena that share the same mechanism. This includes emotional contagion, sympathy, cognitive empathy, helping behavior, etc.† (p. 4). Blair (2005) argues that the term â€Å"empathy† encompasses different dissociable neurocognitive processes. He identifies three main divisions: cognitive, motor, and emotional empathy. The term affective empathy can be described as the ability to perceive accurately and understand emotionally how another person is feeling. According to Blair (2005) accurate perception of another’s feelings is sufficient to satisfy the definition of emotional empathy; however, accurate perception is a cognitive ability and one would need to also have a visceral experienc e of another’s emotion to label it as an affective experience. From the critical perspective, the construct of empathy is essential to understand the psychopathic personality disorder. The neurcognitive model of affect processing describes neural networks within the brain that are particularly concerned with deciphering the affective meaning of perceptual and auditory

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example It also questions various ethical, social, cultural, and in fact, physical or naturally-occurring norms. In the longer run, these problems and conceptual disagreement may pose great negative impacts on the generations to come. The cynical effects of allowing gay marriages are so diverse that it will not be appropriate to overlook them. This paper is an attempt to unveil those significant matters, conceptual deviations and complications that this issue entails. To derive a fair conclusion, the thesis will be evaluated on numerous notable aspects affiliated with homosexuality. Gay marriage is an unnatural union: Michael Levin, a renowned author and professor of psychology at City University of New York, stated that â€Å"Homosexual activists are partial to genetic explanations and hostile to Freudian environmentalism† (Levin 235). The point cannot be denied that the relationship shared by gays is unnatural and defies the laws of nature to procreate, which produces profound impac t on their family and a question mark on socially accepted gender roles. Gay Marriage refers to the union of two homosexual males who are unsure about their sexual orientation and decide to receive social acceptance for their relationship through a legal agreement. The unsettlement or uncertainty of their sexual orientation is caused by numerous factors such as biological, but societal interferences and early-childhood experiences greatly influence a person's sexual preferences afterwards. Hence, it can be stated that not all homosexuals are born with this sort of inclination, and it is not always genetic. (Barlow and Durand 351) Furthermore, even if it is genetic, it is curable through modern therapeutic techniques. â€Å"Clinicians evidently agree that it is possible for a person to be homosexual at one period of his life and heterosexual at another," revealed Levin (235). What makes the homosexual urge unnatural is that procreation is the main task God created mankind for, and o nly that process can be termed as natural which functions the way it has been designed for (McDowell 1201). If homosexuality prevails, encouraged and promoted in society, then the very essence of life gets betrayed, and the world will be exempt of life in no time. Moreover, homosexuality cannot be included in the natural category since it upholds personal pleasure, and homosexuals can be referred to as people caring less about society and only about their satisfaction. Patrick Buchanan rightly proclaims that â€Å"the poor homosexuals- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is exacting an awful retribution† (Wells 259). Moreover, unlike lesbians, gays cannot even utilize artificial methods for the sake of procreation. Ryan Normandin, editor of The Tech, researched about this aspect and concluded that â€Å"Same-sex couples are unable to procreate, meaning that there is no compelling interest to subsidize their marriages† (5). There is an important point for governments to understand in this statement. That is, when supporters of homosexuality propagate that attainment of â€Å"enhanced happiness† should be the central focus of allowing gay marriage; it gives rise to the debate on subsidizing everything that promotes happiness. It can be anything, from a simple item like chocolate to human-pet marriage, incest, abortion or even brother-sister marriage. Homosexuality is a psychological

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is spanking your child effective discipline or bad parenting Research Paper

Is spanking your child effective discipline or bad parenting - Research Paper Example e people see spanking as an outdated method of punishment or even child abuse, while others view a swat on the bottom as a parents prerogative and if done correctly can be effective. Do you agree with this? Where do we draw the line when it comes to disciplining our children? There has been a huge amount of research on the effectiveness of corporal punishment of animals, but remarkably little on the effectiveness of spanking children. This may be because almost no one feels the need to study it because everyone assumes it is effective. Study after study shows that almost 100 percent of parents with toddlers and young children do hit their children. There seems to be many reasons for the strong supporters of spanking children, but they all seem to be myths. Wikopedia: In its original sense, discipline is systematic instruction intended to train a person, in a craft, trade or other activity, or to follow a particular code of conduct of order. Often, the phrase "to discipline" carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order–that is, ensuring instructions are carried out–is often regulated through some type of punishment. Spanking is the act of striking the buttocks of another person to cause temporary pain without producing physical injury. It generally involves one person striking the buttocks of another person with an open hand. When an open hand is used, spanking is referred to in some countries as slapping or smacking. More severe forms of spanking, such as switching, paddling, belting, caning, whipping, and birching, involve the use of an implement instead of a hand. It is most commonly used to discipline an infant, a child, or a teenager. It generally involves an adult – typically a parent, guardian, or teacher – striking the childs buttocks as punishment for unacceptable behavior. Some countries have outlawed the spanking of children in every setting, but many allow it at least when administered by a parent or guardian. Some

Monday, October 14, 2019

Eisenhower Presidency Essay Example for Free

Eisenhower Presidency Essay Republican candidate General Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated as the 34th President of the United States on January 20, 1953, becoming the first Republican in twenty years to be elected as president. President Eisenhower broke tradition by reciting his own prayer after taking the oath instead of kissing the Bible and jumping right into his inaugural speech. When elected for a second term, his inauguration fell on a Sunday (January 20, 1956), so President Eisenhower was sworn in privately by Chief Justice Earl Warren in the East Room of the White House (Eisenhower Public Library and Museum 2012); his public inauguration into office followed the next day. President Eisenhower was 62 years old when he was sworn into office in 1953. Due to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment Eisenhower became the first president to be constitutionally prevented from running for re-election to the office after serving the maximum two terms allowed (Eisenhower Public Library and Museum 2012). President Eisenhower’s ability to perform his role as president came after a long career in the United States Army. In 1911 Dwight D.  Eisenhower entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY, graduating in 1915 as a 2nd Lieutenant, going on to serve as a young officer through World War I and World War II moving his way up the chain of command until reaching the rank of five star general after leading the D-Day invasion in 1944, the highest rank an officer can reach in the United States Army. In 1948 General Eisenhower Resigned from the Army (Eisenhower Public Library and Museum 2012). President Eisenhowers military role with world leaders transitioned over into his role as president seamlessly. President Eisenhower’s tenure as the 34th president was full of accomplishments and milestones: ending the Korean War, enduring the Supreme Court rulings on ending segregation, enforcing the rulings, balancing the budget three times in his eight year tenure, Hawaii and Alaska becoming the 49th and 50th States during his presidency, to signing the bill establishing National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), to delivering his Farewell Address to the Nation warning of the â€Å"Military- Industrial Complex† (Eisenhower Public Library and Museum 2012) are only a few of the highlights of Eisenhower’s presidency. No other president before Eisenhower was given the amount of chaos that he contended with in his presidency. â€Å"Eisenhower was confronted with major Cold War crises every year he was in office: Korea, Vietnam, Formosa, Suez, Hungary, Berlin and the U-2. While more than once America seemed on the brink of war and those around him clamored to drop the Bomb, Eisenhower always kept a level head. He dealt calmly and rationally with each situation, always finding a solution that avoided war without diminishing America’s prestige (NPS 2012). He endured and kept our beloved country at peace during his presidency despite the numerous crises’s the country faced. President Eisenhower’s first major accomplishment in the oval office and true to his campaign promise, attempted to end the Korean War. â€Å"In July 1953 after President Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons, an armistice was signed, ending the Korean War. Despite the Korean War, Korea remains divided at the 38th Parallel. President Eisenhower’s leadership style of sincerity, fairness, and optimism helped to comfort the nation after the war (AP 2012). This also called for a demilitarized zone and voluntary repatriation of soldiers in the armistice. In December 1953, President Eisenhower gave â€Å"Atoms For Peace speech† at the United Nations proposing an international atomic energy agency and peaceful development of nuclear energy; thus, making it very clear the power of America’s nuclear arsenal in his first year in office. On July 29, 1957, the United States ratified International Atomic Energy Agency to pool atomic resources for peaceful use as proposed by President Eisenhower in his speech to the United Nations previously (â€Å"US History 2012†). During his first term, President Eisenhower endured the ruling of the Supreme Court in â€Å"Brown Vs. Topeka Board of Education† in 1954 with the Supreme Court ruling segregated schools are â€Å"inherently unequal† and unconstitutional. In 1955, the Supreme Court reaffirmed its stance on principles of school segregation, ordering gradual compliance by local authorities. On September 9, 1957 President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first since the reconstruction amendments over eighty years before (Dwightdeisenhower 2012). On September 27, 1957 President Eisenhower ordered federal troops to the scene of violence at Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration of Negro students who had been barred by the National Guard as ordered by Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum 2012). Then â€Å"Nine Negro students entered the high school doors, under Army guard sat thru a full day of classes. The governors of southern states then asked the president to remove the troops, and the president’s reply was: â€Å"his own responsibilities under the Constitution were not subject to negotiation. (Korda, p 698). † Thus, Eisenhower resolved the crisis. This action was the most serious domestic challenge of his presidency. President Eisenhower felt that desegregation should start small like with parks and restaurants also with the Armed Forces then move up steadily until every citizen was equal. Today, we still see areas of racial problems that President Eisenhower faced during his presidency. On several occasions Eisenhower had expressed distaste for racial segregation, though he doubtless believed that the process of integration would take time (Encyclopedia Britannica 2012). † These are only a few of the tremendous milestones that President Eisenhower endured or accomplished during his tenure in the Oval Office. Today we still see the effects of his accomplishments and milestones. Although most do not realize that President Eisenhower was a brilliant man, he had one image, and behind the scenes he was an outstanding leader who could bluff anyone. When President Eisenhower turned over the Oval Office to newly elected John F. Kennedy, Eisenhower let it be known that he would like his title of General of the Army (5 Star General) be restored. This required Congressional legislation; the new president asked a military assistant why Eisenhower would want to give up the title of Mr. President to be called General. The military assistant explained that the military was an integral part of Eisenhower’s life. President Kennedy then understood, created the legislation, and the bill was passed in March 1961(Korda, p. 61-762). † Eisenhower and George Washington were the only two United States President with military service to reenter the Armed Forces after leaving the office of President (Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum 2012). Nine years later at the age of seventy eight, Eisenhower passed away from heart failure, as he was dying Eisenhower gave one last order â€Å"Lower the shades! I want to go. God take me (Korda, p. 723). † Per his wishes General Eisenhower was taken by train from Washington, DC to Abilene, Kanas for burial after his body laid in state at the capital.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Physics of Rainbows :: physics rainbow weather

Imagine a sky full of dark fluffy clouds. The air feels wet and sticky, and rain drops begin to fall. Soon the drops become a sheet of rain and this makes you sad because your outdoor fun is over. But, just as you turn your back to go inside, you feel the sun break through the clouds and warm your back. A smile fills your face because you realize that rain plus sun equals a rainbow. You turn around to see a glorious rainbow in the sky. As you gaze, questions begin to pop into your head. What are rainbows? Who are some scientists that studied them? What makes the colors? Why is there a double bow? So what are rainbows? It might be easier to start with what they aren't by clarifying some common myths about them. * "There is an end to the rainbow." -- This is not true. A rainbow is relative to the observers position. Because of this, as an observer moves, so does the rainbow. This means that the "end" moves as well, and can never be found. Also once the sun has disappeared or the observer turns to face the sun, the rainbow disappears. * "There is a pot of gold waiting for me at the end." -- For the resaons stated above, there is no end. Because there is no end, well...there is no gold. Sorry! * "Rainbows are real physical tangible things."-- Rainbows are optical illusions. They are something that a person can see, but are not something that a person can really touch. If Rainbows aren't real...and there is so end to them...and therefor no what is a rainbow if it's not a magical gold giving wonder? * According to Websters Dictionary "A rainbow is an arc containing the colors of the spectrum formed in the sky by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in rain or fog." * Rainbows are an optical illusion. -- As stated before, they are an illusion and are dependent on the observers point of view. When it starts to rain and an observer has his back to the sun, refraction, reflection, and dispersion occurs and a rainbow is most likely to be seen.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Life And Work Of Anthony Burgess :: essays research papers

The Life and Work of Anthony Burgess "Autobiography: Story of one's life, written by oneself."(Halsey 64). Everyone knows what an autobiography is, but not so many people realize that although not all authors write a book that can be called a factual autobiography, many authors frequently allow personal, real life experiences to influence their fictional writings. An excellent example of such an author is Anthony Burgess. Anthony Burgess is recognized today as an English novelist, critic, essayist, and composer (editor CLC 80). Burgess is such a literary genius, it was once said of him that "... his agent, publisher, and his entry in "Who's Who" could not provide the exact number of books he wrote." (Baldwin A8). Some of Burgess's works include The Long Day Wanes, The Doctor is Sick, and, perhaps Burgess's most famous book, Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange is an interesting novel that paints a picture of a gruesome violence in the not-so- distant future. The story is based on, and told by the narrator, the fifteen- year old Alex, but it shows many references to the life and experience of its author. In a series of five books, Burgess also focused on his life experiences. Enderby's Dark Lady was the fifth in the series, and that will be the second book focused on in this paper. Anthony Burgess's work in A Clockwork Orange and Enderby's Dark Lady strongly reflects significant events or influences in his own life. Anthony Burgess was born John Burgess Wilson in Manchester, England in early 1917. (Stinson 1). Both of Burgess's parents were members of the theatric arts: His father was a pianist, his mother was a musical actress. Burgess went to a Catholic elementary school, and was one of the many victims of the "iron discipline and largely rote memorization" (Stinson 2) typical in such schools of the time. Burgess attended Xaverian College, and later moved on to the inexpensive University of Manchester, where he hoped to pursue an education in music. He was rejected form the music department because he had failed physics. Instead, Burgess entered the English department (Stinson 6). In 1940, Burgess graduated with his B.A., with honors, in literature and English language (Stinson 7). Shortly after, Burgess enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps, and spent most of his six years in the service in the entertainment section, playing the piano and writing songs, or in the Army Educational Corps (Stinson 7). In 1946, Burgess was discharged with the rank of sergeant-major. Burgess found himself employed in several different jobs, and living in several different countries in the years that followed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Consumer Theory and X1

: Hal R. Varian. Intermediate Microeconomics, A Modern Approach. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1 BUDGET CONSTRAINT Consumer theory —- how consumers buy their goods? Economists assume: consumers choose the best bundle of goods they can afford. Two aspects: —-Consumers choose the most preferred goods. —-They are limited by economic condition. The Budget Constraint Consumption bundles: ( , ): a list of numbers of goods and services. X = (x1, x2, †¦, xn,) In the case of two goods: good 1 and good 2. Bundle of goods: X = (x1, x2) Prices of goods: (p1, p2),The amount of money the consumer has to spend: m. The consumer’s affordable consumption bundles, (x1, x2) satisfy p1x1 + p2x2 ? m. —-The budget set of the consumer ( ) . good 2 m/p2 O m/p1 good 1 Two Goods Are Often Enough Composite good —-take x2 as everything else, the dollars spent on other goods. For example, x1: consumption of milk in quarts per month. The budget constraint will take t he form p1x1 + x2 ? m. The case of n goods Budget constraint: p1x1 + p2x2+†¦+ pnxn ? m. Properties of the Budget Set Budget line( ): p1x1 + p2x2 = m. Vertical intercept: m/p2Horizontal intercept: m/p1. Slope: – p1/p2 Economic interpretation of slope: For the bundle (x1, x2): p1x1 + p2x2 = m. After a change in bundle (? x1, ? x2): p1(x1+? x1) + p2(x2+? x2) = m. good 2 x2 ?x2 ?x1 O x1 good 1 Subtracting the first equation from the second gives p1? x1 + p2? x2 = 0. This gives The number of good 2 the consumer must give up when he increases his consumption of good 1 by 1 unit, and keeps the money spent unchanged. Opportunity cost of consuming good 1—- in order to consume more of good 1 you have to give up some consumption of good 2.Budget Line Changes How the budget line changes when prices and incomes change? Change in income Change in m results in a parallel shift of the budget line. Intercepts m/p2 and m/p1 will change. Slope – p1/p2 keeps unchanged. good 2 m/p2 O m/p1 good 1 Changes in prices Increasing p1 will not change the vertical intercept, but p1/p2 will become larger. good 2 m/p2 O m/p1 good 1 What happens to the budget line when we change the prices of good 1 and good 2 at the same time? Proportionally: (tp1)x1 + (tp2)x2 = m.What happens to the budget line when we change the prices of good 1 and good 2 and the consumers’ income at the same time? good 2 m/p2 O m/p1 good 1 Proportionally: (tp1)x1 + (tp2)x2 = tm. Some observations: If one price declines and all others stay the same, the consumer must be at least as well-off. If the consumer’s income increases and all prices remain the same, the consumer must be at least as well-off as at the lower income A perfectly balanced inflation cannot change anybody’s optimal choice. 2 PREFERENCES Consumer Preferences( Consumer ranks consumption bundles by his satisfaction from use of goods, irrelevant to the prices. The case of two goods Given any two consumption bund les, X=(x1, x2) and Y=(y1, y2), the consumer can rank them in one of three possible ways: (x1, x2) is strictly better than (y1, y2); (y1, y2) is strictly better than (x1, x2); (x1, x2) and (y1, y2) are indifferent. Two basic relations: [pic]: strictly preferred( ), (x1, x2) [pic] (y1, y2): the consumer strictly prefers (x1, x2) to (y1, y2). ~ : indifferent ( ) (x1, x2) ~ (y1, y2). he consumer is indifferent between (x1, x2) and (y1, y2). A composite relation: [pic]: weakly preferred ( ) (x1, x2) [pic](y1, y2): the consumer prefers (x1, x2) to (y1, y2) or is indifferent between (x1, x2) and (y1, y2). Assumptions about Preferences Axioms about consumer preference (weakly preference): Complete( ). Given any X-bundle and any Y-bundle, consumer can say that (x1, x2)[pic](y1, y2), or (y1, y2)[pic](x1, x2). Reflexive( ). Consumer should say that any bundle is at least as good as itself: (x1, x2)[pic](x1, x2). Transitive ( ).If a consumer feels that (x1, x2)[pic](y1, y2) and (y1, y2)[pic](z 1, z2) then he feels that (x1, x2)[pic](z1, z2). Indifference Curves Weakly preferred set: all of the consumption bundles that are weakly preferred to (x1, x2). Indifference curves( ): —-The boundary of weakly preferred set; Good 2 x2 O x1 Good 1 Further assumptions Well-behaved preferences( ): Monotonicity ( )—- more is better. If that x1 ( y1, x2 ( y2 and that x1 ( y1 , x2 ( y2 at least one hold, then (x1, x2) [pic] (y1, y2) —-indifference curves have negative slope.A indifference curve is the set of bundles for which the consumer is just indifferent to (x1, x2). Good 2 O Good 1 Convexity ( )—- averages are preferred to extremes. If (x1, x2) and (y1, y2) are indifferent, then the bundle ([pic]x1+[pic]y1, [pic]x2+[pic]y2) is strictly preferred to (x1, x2) and (y1, y2). —-indifference curves are convex. Good 2 O Good 1 Examples of preferences Perfect Substitutes( ) The consumer is willing to substitute one good for the other at a constant rate. Goo d 2 O Good 1Perfect Complements( ) Goods that are always consumed together in fixed proportions. Good 2 O Good 1 Discrete Goods( ) x1 : a discrete good that is only available in integer amounts. Suppose that x2 is money to be spent on other goods. Good 2 O Good 1 The Marginal Rate of Substitution Marginal rate of substitution (MRS, ): slope of an indifference curve. —- measures the rate at which the consumer is just willing to substitute one good for the other. MRS = [pic] Note: MRS is a negative number. Good 2 (x2O (x1 Good 1 The other form of MRS MRS =[pic] Good 2 x2 O x1 Good 1 Behavior of the Marginal Rate of Substitution Describe the indifference curves by the MRS. Perfect substitutes: the marginal rate of substitution is constant. Perfect complements: the MRS is either 0 or infinity, and nothing in between. In general case: Monotonicity: indifference curves must have a negative slope, i. e. negative MRS. Convex: the marginal rate of substitution decreases as we increase x1, —-diminishing MRS. ———————– [pic]

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cost Leadership Essay

Any organization in order to survive in a highly competitive market should be able to achieve sustainable growth and profitability. Companies that have managed to reduce costs and understand the cost technology can obtain sustainable advantage as a cost leader. In order for any company to become a cost leader is important that the cost technology is understood and the five constituent steps are implemented and followed by the management. The five steps towards obtaining a cost leader advantage are: (1) Distinguish between economies of scale, size and scope, (2) Increase average productivity of labour, (3) Normalize wage structure, (4) Control more of the production costs, (5) Demarcate between excess and reserve capacity. Implementing those steps can take several years (even decades) e.g Canon. A company has achieved economies of scale when the average cost (AC) declines as output increases meaning that the marginal cost of the last unit produced must be less than the average cost. In cases that capacity is constrain then AC cost curves are U shaped and cost reduces up to the Minimum efficient scale (MES). This is indicated in FIGURE 1. On the other hand when capacity does not prove to be constrain and each facility operates efficient then average costs curves can be L shaped. Even beyond MES average costs will not raise. FIGURE 2. So it is essential that companies build up their capacity, expand their plants or build new ones. A company has achieved economies of scope when savings are achieved as it increases the variety of products so the total cost of a company producing both products x and y is less than two companies producing products x and y or : TC(Qx,Qy) < TC(Qx,0) + TC(0,Qy). Is essential for a company to keep variable costs constant and at the same time try to achieve economies of scope. Keeping costs constant and having economies of scope can lead a company of becoming the cost leader. Steps 2,3,and 4 as mentioned above is very important for any company that wishes to reduce costs. Step 2 is focusing in increasing average productivity of the labour e.g. by keeping in the company the most productive personnel while encouraging the least productive to leave the company, while step 3 is focusing in wage normalization e.g. fixed monthly salaries and bonus payments only related to increasing productivity. Average variable costs (AVC) has an inverse relation to average productivity (AVC=w/APL) where w is the wage proxy. By increasing productivity and normalizing wages (w=1) a company will eventually reduce average variable costs. Step 4 is among the most important in order a company to become a cost leader. This step is focusing in controlling and reducing production costs. Reducing production costs is a complicated function and many parameters should be taken under consideration form the management of any company. Among others, management should consider the complete supply chain process, the degree of vertical integration and define their vertical boundaries, decide what products and services will produce in house or subcontract to a supplier, find ways to reduce transactional costs, hedge positions on raw materials, establish long term relations and long term contracts with suppliers. Contracts with sub-suppliers supplies should be written in detail and be as accurate as possible including clauses for as many as possible eventualities may occur. Also establishing strategic alliances and join ventures can reduce transaction cost and eventually production costs. Reducing production costs is also related on running the plants as efficient as possible. Reduce inventories to minimum, optimize production lines, improve or even ‘automate’ communications between departments, suppliers and distributors, automating production lines, and reduce fixed costs. Actually reduction of production costs can be done in every step of the production from purchasing raw materials to final shipment of goods. Detail analysis and planning of all production steps will provide management with the right information and solutions on how production can be optimized and costs can be reduced. Finally in step 5 companies can have the production determine the demand. In this step size is not a constraint, companies have already reserve capacity and operate at the MES point or even on the right side of the MES.. (FIGURE 3) By having reserve capacity and being able to have production determine the demand companies can influence the demand curve of their products towards being inelastic. Any company that has managed to become the cost leader in its industry will have the ability and should be prepared to allow production determine the demand and have reserve capacity. This will prevent lagging sales and reduce carrying inventory to minimum. Over the last years more and more companies are focusing on costs, how those can be controlled and what measures should be taken in order costs to be reduced. Being able to reduce costs and in combination with economies in scale (neo classical model) and economies of scope (game theory) a company can become the cost leader in its industry. It is very important that a company can be the cost leaser in a game and in many cases companies camouflage this advantage so it is not revealed to competitors. Being a cost leader a company can obtain sustainable advantage, will have the capacity to ‘play the game’ longer and be able to determine the demand curves of their products.

Homecoming Essay

â€Å"Homecoming Queen† redirects here. For the thoroughbred racehorse, see Homecoming Queen (horse). Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back alumni of a school. It most commonly refers to a tradition in many universities, colleges and high schools in the USA. It usually includes activities for students and alumni, such as sports and culture events and a parade through the streets of the city or town. Contents [hide] 1 United States 1.1 Origins 1.1.1 Baylor University 1.1.2 University of Illinois 1.1.3 University of Missouri 1.2 Traditions 1.2.1 Homecoming Court 1.2.2 Parade 1.2.3 Tailgate 1.2.4 Picnic 1.2.5 Dress-up days 1.2.6 Rallies 1.2.7 Homecoming dance 1.3 Competitions 1.4 Smaller school homecomings 1.5 Courtwarming 2 Canada 3 Other 4 See also 5 References United States[edit source | editbeta]Homecoming is an annual tradition of the United States. People, towns, high schools and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and  former residents. It is built around a central event, such as a banquet and, most often, a game of American football, or, on occasion, basketball, ice hockey or soccer. When celebrated by schools, the activities vary widely. However, they usually consist of a football game played on a school’s home football field, activities for students and alumni, a parade featuring the school’s marching band and sports teams, and the coronation of a Homecoming Queen (and at many schools, a Homecoming King). A dance commonly follows the game. When attached to a football game, Homecoming traditionally occurs on the team’s return from the longest road trip of the season. The game itself, whether it be football or another sport, will typically feature the home team playing a considerably weaker opponent. The game is supposed to be an â€Å"easy win† and thus weaker schools will sometimes play lower division schools. Origins[edit source | editbeta]The tradition of Homecoming has its origins in alumni football games held at colleges and universities since the mid-1800s. Many schools lay claim to having the first Homecoming,[1] but several seem to have the strongest claims. Baylor University[edit source | editbeta]Baylor University in Waco, Texas has a homecoming history that dates back to 1909 including what

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Prompt 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prompt 1 - Essay Example It used to be that when I did not know the meaning of a particular word I would go to a dictionary and read the definition. The dictionary also included other forms of the word, something about its origin, pronunciation and how it is used in a sentence. However, on the Internet when I look up a word I can look everything connected to it. I can even narrowly define that word and just follow those threads which pertain to that narrow definition. I can look up the history of the word and learn all about those who have used it in public documents, the history of those people and the world in which they lived, and the results of their use of the word. For example, looking up the word "liberty" in Google results in 84,300,000 results. The results on the first page are considered to be the most relevant by this search engine. It lists some places, some images related to the word, a Wikipedia article on the word, some places of business local to the searchers area and links to related searches, one of which is the Statue of Liberty. If I follow the link to the Statue of Liberty there are that thousands more places to go related to the Statue of Liberty. This may seem superficial and certainly if this was all anyone did with this that would be the result. However, this is not where it stops for most people. Socializing on the Internet is also a place for sharing what one finds. This can lead to a number of people conducting more searches and then sharing again. The sharing of information often prompts people to look for more, but this does not limit one to â€Å"superficial† information. The pastor of one Christian church in Hong Kong searches the Internet before writing her sermon for the week, so that she can get a number of different perspectives on her chosen Bible passage or Gospel. She then reflects upon what she has found and prays for wisdom. When she sits down to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Asian Culture On Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Asian Culture On Music - Essay Example Asian music is also accompanied by percussion instruments such as kettledrums, frame drums and tambourines. Another common musical instrument common in Asia, especially among the Inner Asian pastoralist communities is the Choor, which is a reed or wooden end-blown flute of different lengths but of four to five holes. This instrument has different names in different cultures with Mongolians calling it Tsuur while Kazakhstanis call it Sybyzghy. The other instruments with which the Inner Asian pastoralist music is associated are Dayra (a frame drum with jingles found in Central Asia and played by both men and women and Dombra, which is a class of two-stringed, long-necked lutes, regarded Kazakhstan's national instrument. Unfortunately for Asian music culture, there has been a lot of erosion of Asian music due to globalisation, more so the westernization of Asian music, which has led to increased calls and efforts to preserve the Asian musical heritage. An example of the efforts or initiatives that seek to preserve the Asian music culture is the Aga Khan Trust established in 2000 to especially assist in preserving the musical heritage of Central Asia. This initiative referred to as the Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA) works with other tradition and cultural heritage stakeholders throughout Asian to ensure that the region’s musical traditions are carried from one generation of artists and audiences to the next. Additionally, the initiative seeks to popularize Central Asia musical culture to other regions by sponsoring music tours and festivals besides documenting and disseminating Asia’s musical culture. This paper explores the characteristic, cultural specificity, and t he local and global significance of Asian music and its interaction with other music cultures. In addition, the effect of globalisation on Asian music is discussed with respect to Asian pop cultures such as Korean pop. The Significance of Music in the Asian Society That Asian culture is quite beautiful and luring is an undeniable fact. Of greater and unparalleled beauty and significance are the recorded and cherished Asian cultures, which are handed down from one generation to the other. These cultural aspects of Asia are not only rich with evidences of past and current cultural struggles but also show the triumphs of Asian cultures over natural forces that would otherwise erode these cultures at the slightest opportunities (Philip & Wong, 1997). Like in other regions, Asians store and chronicle their stories of struggle and triumph in music, which is in turn carried from one generation to the next. This music document and preserve the events, cultures and the feelings of the people of Asia. Thus, Asian music is more that the strumming of strings and the beating of drums that one hears when music is played. There is more to every musical culture as what one hears in Tokyo

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Winner-Take-All Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Winner-Take-All Economy - Essay Example This has been fueled by capital gains such as dividend and investment income, the shares have increased significantly from 9 percent to 23.5 percent (Hacker & Pierson 16). The more exclusive the group the group, the more stratospheric the gains have been.  This has been fueled by capital gains such as dividend and investment income, the shares have increased significantly from 9 percent to 23.5 percent (Hacker & Pierson 16). The more exclusive the group the group, the more stratospheric the gains have been.  Gains Have Been SustainedThe income tax statistic reveals that the move of income towards the top has been sustained, and it increases steadily since around 1980. The ever increasing national income shares captured by the richest Americans are a long-term trend which is obviously not related to either the shifting partisan occupation of the White House or business cycle (Hacker & Pierson   17). The rapid increase in a number of shares captured by the richest Americans occur red during the drives on the stock market that occurred between 1980 and 2000.  Gains Have Resulted in Few Trickle-Down Benefits for the Non-rich The average income of the poorest American households increased by 6 percent, while the middle quintiles of households increased by 21 percent. This research study took inflation and government benefits and taxes into account (Hacker & Pierson 17). Most of the richest Americans gain from the struggle and sweat of the middle class and poorest Americans.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ethics - Assignment Example These are complex theories because nothing is white or black but has shades of grey. Thus killing for extortion is wrong but killing in self defense is right. Interestingly in a civil society, law and ethics often clash because while law deals with the wrong doings of people, it also reserves its judgment on the evidences of those acts, ethics primarily relies on the intangible guidelines of good and bad actions which are universally accepted. Thus, what could be legally wrong could also be construed as ethically correct behavior. For example, in some places, euthanasia is legal but many think that it is ethically wrong because killing in any form is wrong. In the contemporary environment of advancing technology and globalization, ethical consideration in personal and professional lives has become important because technology has provided people with strong tool to exploit others. Piracy and plagiarism are unlawful and unethical activities that have become easy with internet. Hence, accountability of actions and responsible behavior that takes into account the interests of others is highly desirable ethical conduct. (words: 270)

Friday, October 4, 2019

Does Illegal Immigration Help or Hurt U.S. Economy Essay

Does Illegal Immigration Help or Hurt U.S. Economy - Essay Example According to the research findings illegal immigrations are not good for the United States of America because they are helping less and causing more harm not only to the U.S. society but also to the overall economy. Large-scale illegal immigrations produce a negative impact on the economy of the United States. Some of the most obvious economic impacts of illegal immigrations include less job opportunities, increased poverty, increased educational costs, decreased foreign investment in immigrant-populated areas due to increased fear of crimes, and less number of skilled employees in the original countries of the immigrants. It is a fact that when the host country starts hiring illegal immigrants on low salaries, the number of available jobs decrease for the local citizens. Espenshade states, â€Å"Illegal immigrants have high rates of labor force participation but typically earn about 30% less than their legal counterparts from the same region of the world†. However, it also re sults in increase in the graph of poverty because when people will not have good jobs, they will not have money to spend which will ultimately increase poverty. Moreover, low salaries for the illegal immigrants also increase poverty. â€Å"Their wages are low and they are more affected by downturns in the economy† (â€Å"Immigration Policy†). Illegal immigrants do not have skills and qualification that are required to get good jobs. They just go to the United States to do low profile jobs for money, which also results in overpopulation and poverty for the local and poor people. Poor people do not have enough resources to get standard education, which makes them go for low profile professions, such as, waiters, dishwashers, petrol pump operators, sanitary workers, and plumbers. However, when employers fill such jobs with illegal immigrants on low wages, no place is left for the local citizens. According to Sterne, employers prefer to hire undocumented immigrants, as the y are cheaper and unregulated (556). Increase in the number of illegal immigrants also impose burden on the taxpayers. Illegal immigrants receive all social services and do not pay the taxes that they should actually pay in return of those social services. Increase is the number of crimes is one of the major drawbacks associated with immigrations. Sadowski-Smith states, â€Å"Undocumented immigrants are also increasingly criminalized within punitive local, regional, and national legislation that further exacerbates vulnerability to exploitation† (799). Some percentage of the immigrants falls into criminal activities when they do not find jobs or any kind of work in the countries where they migrate. Some of those crimes include kidnapping for ransom, stealing money, rape, robbery, physical