Saturday, August 10, 2019

Providing a Motivation for Addressing Your Topic Assignment

Providing a Motivation for Addressing Your Topic - Assignment Example This has really paralyzed the education sector in the whole country. This paper will conduct an extensive research on the causes of this menace and give well-thought and feasible recommendations on how it can be ultimately resolved (Creswell, 2008). Of course, this topic is quite interesting to me. As an educationist, I am a strong advocate for quality education, which I believe, can not be attained if no adequate funding is provided. For this reason, the federal, state and local governments have been pumping money into all the public elementary and high schools across the country that deserve such a funding. In fact, out of its revenues, the federal allocates approximately 4% of its budget for education (Radin, 2006). Since these are public resources, they should be properly utilized at all times. For this reason, the government, through its relevant agencies, has been mandated to be in charge of the disbursed allocations. However, with the liberalization of the education sector, various state departments of education have decentralized financial control to the individual school principals and administrators. Under the supervision of the School district Management Boards, each principal has been allowed to identify their needs and develop their own budget. This is commendable since it is them who understand their demands. Interestingly, school resources are still being misused during each and every budget year. Instead of acting as the custodians of school funds, many principals and school administrators have been robbing their institutions of their resources. They do not use it as planned (Starr, 2014). At times, they are tempted to divert these resources into their own personal uses. This has been quite unfortunate because it has been denying thousands of poor American children the opportunity acquire government sponsored education which they entirely rely on. According to past records, there are

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