Monday, August 12, 2019

Donald Trump Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Donald Trump - Research Paper Example As such, all the people working under the leader will have different tasks in accomplishing a common goal. One of the epic leaders of this century is Donald trump. Trump insists that leaders should have control of organisations they lead. However, this is not to mean leaders should be dictatorial. As a fact, trump leads through the model of personality, which depicts five leadership traits. To begin with, trump suggests that leaders should have surgency. This is where leaders have convincing power to the people they lead. A leader should influence the understanding of the people to focus on the point of view from the leader. Similarly, the leaders should ensure the people they lead have focus on the mission, vision and objectives of the organisation. Therefore, there is a need for mutual understanding of all these aspects for success. When the people they lead have a mutual understanding of the vision, mission and objectives, they are likely to conform to the desires of the leaders ( Lussier and Achua, 2013). Consequentially, trump states that competitiveness is one of the traits that a leader should embrace. With competitiveness, the leader is able to mentor competitive workers. This in turn improves the competitiveness of the organisation. ... This leads to decisiveness in an organisation where decisions are made in the meanest time (Trump, 2005). Therefore, a leader must be in a position to influence agreement in an organisation. This is where a leader has to consider collecting ideas, feedback and thoughts from the subordinates and other workers. As such, a final decision should be substantive after collection of facts from the workers and subordinates. This will enhance decision making as all the interests of workers are considered. Similarly, there is need to enhance change, implementation and managing risks through collective decision-making. Though leaders have the authority and control of making decisions, they should consider the emphasis of the subordinates. Trump states that leaders who often agree with subordinates are better prepared to make a positive impact (Trump, 2011). This allows subordinates and other workers to work in coordination for a collective goal. However, when workers and their leaders do not ag ree, there are possibilities of flaws. This is a perfect way of instilling confusion in an organisation. As such, a quagmire will erupt in the collective goals that should be achieved. Therefore, a leader should engage all subordinates and workers in decision making to limit chances of confusion in the collective goals. Trump states that leaders should be prepared for adjustments. A leader has to be prepared for change when leading people at the work place. For example, in this era of technological advancement, a leader should be prepared to adore and embrace change. With each passing day, businesses and organisation are looking for better and effective methods of executing tasks (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Therefore, a leader that

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