Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"And lawfully by this the Jew may claim a pound of flesh, to be by him cut off nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful.† (IV. 1. 231-233). Throughout the trial scene, despite the heavy tension in the air, a subtle, reoccurring idea floated in and lingered. It was the idea for Shylock to show Antonio mercy. However, the Jew disregarded it. Yet, Portia managed was to show the court that Shylock fiercely wanted the Law upheld. The intent of the Law and the grace of Mercy clashes as the course of the trial progresses. Consumed by determination to uphold his bond, Shylock found the thought of showing mercy to the merchant ridiculous. The Duke said to Shylock, â€Å"Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, that thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice to the last hour of act; and then 'tis thought thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse more strange than is thy strange apparent cruelty.† (IV. 1. 17-21). To this, the Jew responded: â€Å"You'll ask me, why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh than to receive three thousand ducats: I'll not answer that: but, say, it is my humor: is it answer'd?† (IV. 1. 40-43). The Duke many a times asked the Jew to show mercy, and only that, nothing more and nothing less. Blinded by wrath, Shylock ferociously made it clear to the court, even before Portia’s appearance, that he wanted his bond. Showing mercy was out of the question. At that point, the grace of mercy had long disappeared from Shylock’s mind. The thought of ridding Antonio, the great merchant of Venice, from his hair replaced it. Shylock anticipated seeing red. It was all he could think about: seeing Antonio’s crimson flesh as he cut it off without hesitation and in the absence of grace. The Jew wanted the Law, his side of the La... ... drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate unto the state of Venice.† (IV. 1. 307-312). Shylock demanded he wanted the law, and Portia made sure to give him exactly what he wanted. The tables turned on Shylock; he was advised to practice mercy and now he has to beg for it. Throughout the trial scene, the intent of the Law and the grace of Mercy constantly clashed, as judgment on the bond was determined. Shylock entered the courtroom a confident man with an apt for revenge, though left a man stripped of everything away from him except the clothes on his back. Mercy was asked of the Jew, many times before the intent of the Law was twisted against him. His determination and refusal to show grace ultimately caused his demise. Portia pitted the intent of Law against him and the end, the grace of Mercy was bestowed upon Shylock.

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