Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle - 884 Words

Mike W. Civ. 1: Sec, 121-10 Dr. Maria Farina Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, three men considered to be the quintessential basis of ancient Greek philosophy. Not only were they responsible for Greek enlightenment, but also foreshadowed the coming of Christ in there speculations. Plato, the protà ©gà © of Socrates, became the first to document the philosophy of his teacher, which in turn is passed down to Aristotle. This process of mentoring aided ancient man in the intellectual evolution of politics and religion, known as the linear concept. Socrates, the Athenian native ex-hoplite and his successors more often than not focused on three main schools of thought, religion, politics, and the spiritual essence. Socrates was not a†¦show more content†¦He expanded largely on Socrates works on immortality of the soul, truth, the existence of man on two planes, and why, only after death, one could see truth more clearly in one of his most acclaimed works, the Doctrine of Pure Form and Ideas. The doctrine of pure form an d ideas illustrated how man was deceived by his senses and that they masked the real truth. In fact, Plato argued that a man would see a horse for example, in a whole new light after death, because only then could he see the pure form after the mask of his mortal senses was lifted. Furthermore, he believed that a pure form, in other words an essence that can see all for its genuine truth created the world, which many consider the true beginning of monotheism. On the other end of the spectrum are his political contributions, whereby he took Socrates criticism of democracy to a new level. Plato considered democracy to be the worst form of government; moreover he thought people should be guided by a guardian class or group, much like the oligarchy of Sparta, which he idolized. In addition, Plato contemplated the removal of superior children from their specifically mated parents at birth, after which they would be raised by the state and all its citizens as children of the state as a whole. Lastly Plato was one of the first minds to encourage the integration of women in government, perhaps building the foundation for femaleShow MoreRelatedSocrates, Plato, And Aristotle900 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosophers that have many different views and opinions on philosophy. In this essay, I will be talking about the three great philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and how they help to define what exactly philosophy is. These three Greek philosophers represent the birthplace of Western philosophy and help to shed some light on the actual meaning of the term. Socrates is from about 400 B.C. His final destination was simple. 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