Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Networking Is Becoming A Popular Form Of Communication

Social networking is becoming a very popular form of communication in today’s society. Social networking is using internet based websites and applications to connect and interact with other users, and is very easily accessible for many people, including student nurses. This essay will include a definition of social networking, possible opportunities and risks that can be associated with social networking for a student nurse, and recommendations for safe social networking use. Social networking can be thought of as using internet based websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as other services, such as applications and mobile-based technologies, to interact and communicate with people from across the world, and to share information, pictures, and resources with a very large audience. Social networking sites can also be used to find other users who have similar interests as you and is a reliable way to keep in contact with people who you are regularly in touch with as well as family or friends who live throughout the world (Social Networking, 2016) and (Boyd Ellison, 2007). There are many possible opportunities that can be associated with social networking for a student nurse. One of these opportunities is furthering nursing education. Using social networking for educational purposes could be very beneficial for nursing students because of the large numbers of students and educators who regularly use sites such as Facebook. This could allow students toShow MoreRelatedComputers and Ethics1540 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Networking Danielle Morris Professor Virginia Booth INF 103: Computer Literacy April 16, 2014 Communication is an inevitable occurrence in life and is vital to building and maintaining relationships. 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