Thursday, July 25, 2019

Machiavelli, Lao-Tzu and Carnegie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Machiavelli, Lao-Tzu and Carnegie - Essay Example Generally, when leaders need to make regular decisions that deal with the day to day running of the organization, they may choose to use democratic leadership to involve their subjects and other subordinates. Where there is the need for most executive and finance based decision to be made also, leaders may keep their cards close to their chest, exercising authoritative leadership. However, judging from the fact that some trend of leadership; not necessarily concerned about leadership style have produced more exemplary results of organizational success than others makes it possible to generally say that one concept of leadership is more effective and relevant than others. In this paper therefore, the works of Machiavelli and Lao-Tzu are compared to argue on which of the two authors offers a more proactive and relevant approach to modern leadership. Relevance and Effectiveness of advice in a Modern day Society To pass judgment on the advice on leadership that is most relevant and effec tive in a modern day society, it would be important to consider the kind of setting within which each of the two leaders gave out their advice and compare that to the kind of society we have today. Machiavelli wrote â€Å"The Prince† from a perspective of authoritarianism, where the prince is seen to be a superior, whose offenses to his subjects must be expected, but cannot be questioned. It is for instance stated specifically that â€Å"the prince cannot avoid giving offence to his new subjects, either in respect of the troops he quarters on them† (c. 3). Meanwhile in modern society, democratic practice is hailed in all facets of life, right from an individual level, to organizational level, then to state levels. On the other hand, â€Å"Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching† can be said to have been written in a state of general peace and calmness in the land. This notion is exemplified with a quote such as, â€Å"The good I meet with goodness; the bad I also meet w ith goodness. Thus I actualize goodness† (p. 121). Given the fact that modern society is currently backed by several pressure groups, international organizations and non-governmental organizations that champion the course of global peace and goodness as against war and violence, the advice given by Lao-Tzu on the need to embrace all with goodness can be said to be the most relevant and effective in a modern day society. There would be several justifications for pointing to Lao-Tzu’s advice on leadership as the most relevant and effective in modern day society. In the first place, most modern theories of leadership can be seen as directed towards the need for current leaders to raise the next generation of leaders right within their midst and in their presence. But to do this, it is important that followers will see diligence and trust in their leaders. It is for this reason Lao-Tzu states that â€Å"Not priding oneself on one’s worth forestalls the peopleâ€℠¢s envy. Not prizing treasures that are difficult to obtain keeps people from committing theft† (p. 98, line 18-20). That is to say that, leaders must see the need to create value in their followers rather than depending on the values of their worth and treasures. Meanwhile, when the advice of Machiavelli on the establishment of

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