Thursday, December 26, 2019

The And Sex Behavioral Models - 1406 Words

People who kill multiple individuals are often studied extensively to try and understand what made them reach that point of wanting to end another’s life. Although there may be no single instance in their life that made them come to this point there can be multiple factors that play into this. One man raped, murdered, and dismembers seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991 and the sex behavioral models all can describe how a therapist practicing these theories would analyze how the individual reached this state of psychosis. This individual was a first born child and both parents were around throughout his childhood. However, simply being physically present in a child’s life is not enough. His mother was greedy for attention and had her own psychological problems that she was dealing with. His father was in school and was often away studying or was focused on studying when he was in the home. There were a lot of parental arguments throughout his childhood. He was very isolated and did not have many friends. At age 4, he developed an interest in the bones of dead animals and was interested in how they all fit together. He would dismember the animals, clean the bones, and store them in jars. His father was studying science and would teach him how to do these things as he was happy that his child finally found an interest in something. The family moved around a lot as they moved along with where the father currently needed to be for schooling or a job. At puberty, heShow MoreRelatedRehabilitation of Sex Offenders1113 Words   |  5 Pagesas a child. According to Becerra-Garcà ­a, Garcà ­a-Leà ³n and Egan (2012), sex offenders are twice as likely to report being sexually, emotionally, or physically abused as a child in comparison to other offenders. There are also other factors besides abuse that must be taken into consideration. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Justice Is Worth The Time - 1944 Words

Justice to everyone has different meanings; it can mean fighting for what you think is right, behavior, or equity. Justice is worth the time in and become aware of its self. Justice appeals to human psychology, rather than perceived behavior. As stated in Plato’s Republic â€Å"Well said, Cephalus, I replied; but as concerning justice, what is it? To speak the truth and pay your debts no more than this? And even to this are there not exceptions? Suppose that a friend when in his right mind has deposited arms with me asks for them when he is not in his right mind, ought I to give them back to him? No one would say that I ought always to speak the truth to one who is in his condition.†(Jowett, page 4) Cephalus concludes that justice means paying†¦show more content†¦Justice is useful to the individual and to the state. Justice is useful when they are useless and useless when it is useful. Polemarchus asked Socrates about him, Homer and Simonides agreeing on justi ce as an art and can be practiced to help good people and to harm enemies. Socrates doesn’t agree with that and he still doesn’t give us a good answer of what justice is and how to define it. It’s clear that Socrates is not giving answer of what it is he’s just saying what’s wrong but not right answer. In the text Socrates states, â€Å"Let me first understand you, I replied. Justice, as you say, is the interest of the stronger. What, Thrasymachus, is the meaning of this? You cannot mean to say that because Polydamas, the pancratiast, is stronger than we are, and finds the eating of beef conducive to his bodily strength, that to eat beef is therefore equally for our good who are weaker than he is, and right and just for us?.’(Jowett, page 12) Leading on, Socrates didn’t mean the word stronger as someone who is actually physically strong he meant deep within, someone who is strong minded. Justice is the compliance which subject provid es to their commands, the weaker are commanded to do, not what is for the interest but what is for the injury of the stronger. It is pretty clear through the conversation that Socrates and Thrasymachus were having that they share a mutual dislike

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Claudius Hamlet Essay Research Paper Every one free essay sample

Claudius ( Hamlet ) Essay, Research Paper ? Every one sees what you appear to be, few truly know what you are, and those few daring non oppose themselves to the sentiment of the many, who have the stateliness of the province to support them. ? Nicolo Machiavelli, from The Prince Italian political theoretician Nicolo Machiavelli speculated that the strongest leaders are 1s who are able to carefully equilibrate visual aspects to his benefit, strategically utilizing them to beef up his government. If Machiavelli was so right, so Claudius, from Shakespeare? s Hamlet, starts off as an ideal Machiavellian prince. However, as the drama develops, Claudius? loses his antecedently immoveable bid and calm, mostly due to his concern over the possible menace posed by his stepson, Hamlet. At the beginning of the drama, Claudius appears to hold complete control over Elsinore, as evidenced by his enforcing address to the tribunal: Therefore our erstwhile sister, now our queen, Th? imperial jointress to this warlike province, Have we ( as? twere with a defeated joy, With an auspicious and a dropping oculus, With hilarity in funeral and coronach in matrimony, In equal graduated table weighing delectation and dole ) Taken to married woman # 8230 ; [ 1. 2: 8-14 ] In this scene, Claudius, who has merely late taken the throne after the decease of his brother, addresses some pressing issues. Seeking to make a strong early feeling, Claudius uses his words really carefully, taking great strivings to both mourn his late brother and observe his matrimony. Furthermore, with the words? imperial jointress to this warlike province? he justifies the potentially controversial brotherhood by doing it appear like a benefit to the full land. Claudius is clearly a shrewd politician, for he intentionally emphasizes the contrast between his matrimony and Hamlet? s decease, utilizing phrases such as? defeated joy? and? with an auspicious and a dropping eye. ? The benefits to such an attack are obvious: on one manus Claudius entreaties to popular sentiment by retrieving his popular brother, and on the other manus, with his jubilation of his matrimony, the King proves that he is ready to travel on and assail his new function with energy. The oxymoronic phrases? hilarity in funeral? and? coronach in matrimony? remember Machiavelli? s words, for Claudius demonstrates his ability to show whatever emotions make him look wise and merely, demoing that he is in bid of Denmark, despite his limited experience as male monarch. Claudius fortifies his olympian visual aspect by taking decisive and positive action. When faced with the menace of Fortinbras, he instantly takes diplomatic steps, directing Cornelius and Voltemand to protect Denmark? s boundary lines and make an confederation with Norway. Later, Laertes asks for permission to return to France. Knowing the value of the advice of Laertes? male parent, Polonius, Claudius gives his consent in a gay mode, therefore beef uping his place with the courtiers. The King even senses the troubled province of Hamlet, and instead than allowing things run their class, Claudius instantly sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as undercover agents. Most significantly, in every determination he makes, Claudius appears confident, keeping a balanced disposition in the public oculus. Yet underneath this smooth frontage lies a adult male who is concerned above all about Hamlet. A full two months after the decease of his male parent, Hamlet continues to mourn, thereby maintaining Old Hamlet? s decease in the public limelight. Claudius, of class, would much instead bury about the incident, for that would non merely diminish the likeliness of his being discovered but besides help buoy up his bowed down scruples. Unfortunately, Hamlet will non allow him N or the public forget. Furthermore, Claudius realizes that Hamlet has a justified claim to the throne that could destabilise the King? s government. In an effort to relieve the state of affairs, Claudius stresses Hamlet? s function as his replacement, non possible replacing. Nevertheless, the menace of Hamlet remains, and Claudius becomes highly concerned with it. ? That make I long to hear! ? [ 2.2: 53 ] refers non to intelligence of Fortinbras but to the cause of Hamlet? s perceived madness. This exclaiming is besides the first clip that we have seen Claudius stray from his equable public visual aspect, as he reveals a spot of emotion where Hamlet is concerned. The consequence of Hamlet on the King reaches a flood tide during The Murder of Gonzago, during which the King? s calm interruptions down wholly. Hamlet? s program to corroborate Claudius? guilt succeeds brightly: when the slaying in the drama pours toxicant into Gonzago? s ear, stating the audience that the secret plan is based on true events, Claudius all of a sudden rises, shouting? Give me some light. Away! ? [ 3.2: 295 ] Gone is the composure that had begun to do Claudius a successful leader, replaced by a sudden effusion of emotion in the presence of many others. Now that Claudius? equable shell has been shattered, we get a better thought of what he would name the? inward man. ? [ 2.2: 6 ] In the 3rd scene of the 3rd act, we eventually see Claudius entirely, and he reveals his innermost ideas while admiting his guilt. Clearly, he is non a inhuman and inhumane monster but a individual whose scruples is doing him repent his wickednesss. He explores the similarities between himself and Cain, the Biblical first adult male to perpetrate fratricide. Claudius knows that in order to accomplish Godhead redemption he must be genuinely penitent for his wickednesss. However, he is unwilling to give up either the Crown or Gertrude, both of which he loves really much, and he resigns himself to a hopeless destiny. Claudius is clearly a anguished adult male who has fallen victim to the enticements of love and power, really similar to the state of affairs of Macbeth. At no point in the drama does Claudius laud his offense ; alternatively, he merely tries to bury about it and travel forwards. In the first two Acts of the Apostless, Claudius is able to dissemble his disruptive scruples with a confident visual aspect. While this attack surely succeeds in doing Claudius a strong leader, it is unable to mend the deep lesions in his psyche. As the King wrestlings with the progressively awkward undertaking of equilibrating his outward visual aspect with his interior idea, it is impossible non to experience regretful for him. By the clip Claudius kneels and prays, he has been reduced to a adult male who is now the slave of one awful title. To decently portray Claudius, an histrion must concentrate on the gradual autumn of the character. In the first two Acts of the Apostless, Claudius is at his best, running the tribunal with the acuteness of an experient leader and resolutely moving on every issue of importance. Therefore, the histrion must hold an imposing and confident presence on phase, for Claudius dominates Elsinore and is in full control of Denmark. However, by the 3rd act, the King must be depicted as a adult male who is turning progressively fearful of Hamlet, and during the drama, Claudius is so startled that he must look as though he has seen the shade of Old Hamlet. But in my sentiment, Claudius? specifying minute comes during his drawn-out monologue in which he acknowledges his guilt. As he mourns his condemned psyche, he should look so incapacitated that the audience views him with intense commiseration, for the character of Claudius, like Macbeth, is non intended to stand for evil but alternatively to demo the cosmopolitan ability of power to corrupt and to destruct lives in the procedure. 328

Monday, December 2, 2019

The heir to the Order Review Essay Example

The heir to the Order Review Paper Essay on The heir to the Order The novel itself is not new and is very simple, even banal. Egor ordinary schoolboy 13 years falls into a parallel world. After the non-durable training he ceases to Knight of the Order, the best, the very skilled warrior in the Wizarding World. He must save the world from the sparkling the magician uses the dark powers that the world wants to subjugate these ideas are not new and has long been izezhdennye many writers parallel universes, time travel Gardens at the same time deliberately simplifies everything, creates a world geographically our twin . If our world more technologically developed, the world which came Yegor followed the path of magic, healing. From reading the first part of the novel Heir to the Order, I did not notice how to immerse themselves in the world invented by the author. Three books were swallowed just two days (good vacation). Generally extremely rare books that can not help make you to live in their world. It is especially nice when you do not feel this world is artificial. Scale fantasy author does not hold, but the gardens in his trilogy maintains the balance of reality and fairy tales. Yegor did not get the magic, or physical superpowers thanks to some artifact, stone, ring, or magic. He has acquired through their labor, desire to learn, to grow, commitment. Of course, the hero is inherent boyish, with his thoughts actions, decisions inherent in a more mature experienced young man, even a man. But maybe this is just in the simplicity of the language, and have the advantage of Sergei Sadova style. Yes, it is possible to find flaws in the technical features description of equipment, fights, battles, doing business, but this is not essential. Author very well to focus not on the storyline to find and destroy the sparkle, and on numerous and really exciting and interesting adventures. In the book, a lot of funny jokes, irony and humor, and some of the situations and dialogues may cause laughter. There is pain, tears, sadness and joy, sorrow and happiness. There is a belief that there may be a real friendship. There is a road of Destiny, and no one knows where it leads to death or to victory Sergei Gardens is not intended to give an answer that is good and what is evil, but he is able to be immersed in a fairy-tale world, and this, in my opinion and it works a little modern science fiction writers. What is the result. If you like a fairy tale, romance, adventure and good humor is for you. We will write a custom essay sample on The heir to the Order Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The heir to the Order Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The heir to the Order Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer